It’s All One Bubble – David Cahn’s Substack

Building on the writing of five different thinkers, I will explain how the Dot-com bubble, the 2008 financial crisis, the 2021 tech bubble, and our current bubble (whatever it ends up being called), can be viewed as one, big bubble. Source: It’s All One Bubble – David Cahn’s Substack

DeepSeek jailbreak

By prompting DeepSeek to converse with me using exclusively these charcodes, I could effectively bypass the filter. Source: Home | Substack

I’ve acquired a new superpower – Daniel Wirtz

In one example, she was presented with two images of hundreds of coffee beans spread out on a table. To my eye, both images looked exactly the same. But it took her only a couple of seconds to call out that one coffee bean was missing on the left side of the image.   She […]

瑞银:今年新加坡有47位亿万富翁 66%是白手起家

新加坡的亿万富翁人数从去年的41人,増至今年的47人。他们当中,66%是白手起家的富豪。 整个亚太地区亿万富翁的财富增长趋缓,过去一年仅增长1.8%,达到3.8万亿美元。亿万富翁人数从1019人减少到981人,不过,亚太地区的亿万富翁人数仍然是全球最多的。 其中,中国大陆的亿万富翁财富缩水最多,减少了20%,降至1万4447亿美元,亿万富翁人数从520人减少到427人。过去一年中国面临经济放缓、房地产危机等挑战。 香港亿万富翁的财富增长1.6%至3260亿美元,人数从68人上升至74人。 亚太地区中,财富增幅最大的是印度尼西亚和印度。印度尼西亚亿万富翁财富增长47.1%,达到1823亿美元,人数从24人増至28人。 印度亿万富翁财富增长了42.1%,达到9056亿美元,人数从153人增至185人。 全球范围来看,美国亿万富翁在2024年财富增长最多,总额增加了27.6%,达到5.8万亿美元,占全球亿万富翁财富总额的四成以上。美国亿万富翁人数增加了11.2%,达到835人。 Source: 瑞银:今年新加坡有47位亿万富翁 66%是白手起家

I automated my job application process | Hacker News

I was hiring manager for 3 positions about 4 months ago and the amount of fake applications out there was mind boggling to me. I would say 90% were either entirely fake or had the exact same generated ai text. It got so bad that we started only looking at resumes that had a working […]

Does current AI represent a dead end? | Hacker News

My observation is that every wave of neural networks has resulted in a dead end. In my view, this is in large part caused by the (inevitable) brute force mathematical approach used and the fact that this can not map to any kind of mechanistic explanation of what the ANN is doing in a way […]