Michael Tsai – Blog – One Year With the Vision Pro
A year on, I can’t in good conscience recommend that anyone buy one. It’s a glimpse of a potential future and a developer kit for potential future Apple platforms, but that’s about it. Source: Michael Tsai – Blog – One Year With the Vision Pro
Ollama – NSHipster
Building macOS Apps with Ollama Source: Ollama – NSHipster Mattt is back!
关于推理模型的一些误解和盲区 | OneV’s Den
最常见的一个现象,就是大家都倾向于无脑点上“深度思考 (R1)”。其实这个行为有待商榷。 Source: 关于推理模型的一些误解和盲区 | OneV’s Den
It’s All One Bubble – David Cahn’s Substack
Building on the writing of five different thinkers, I will explain how the Dot-com bubble, the 2008 financial crisis, the 2021 tech bubble, and our current bubble (whatever it ends up being called), can be viewed as one, big bubble. Source: It’s All One Bubble – David Cahn’s Substack
Daring Fireball: OpenAI’s Board, Paraphrased: ‘To Succeed, All We Need Is Unimaginable Sums of Money’
effectively, OpenAI is to this decade’s generative-AI revolution what Netscape was to the 1990s’ internet revolution. The revolution is real, but it’s ultimately going to be a commodity technology layer, not the foundation of a defensible proprietary moat. In 1995, investors mistakenly thought investing in Netscape was a good way to bet on the future […]
DeepSeek jailbreak
By prompting DeepSeek to converse with me using exclusively these charcodes, I could effectively bypass the filter. Source: Home | Substack
Maskless Photolithography Stepper for Homemade Chips – YouTube
Bringing Moore’s Law to the garage with a DLP maskless photolithography stepper
I’ve acquired a new superpower – Daniel Wirtz
In one example, she was presented with two images of hundreds of coffee beans spread out on a table. To my eye, both images looked exactly the same. But it took her only a couple of seconds to call out that one coffee bean was missing on the left side of the image. She […]
Creating a Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF from a huge GeoTIFF : r/gis
gdal_translate D:\lonebutte\LoneButte_geo.tif D:\lonebutte\LoneButte_COG.tif -of COG -co TILING_SCHEME=GoogleMapsCompatible -co COMPRESS=LZW -co BIGTIFF=YES -ot UInt16. Source
瑞银:今年新加坡有47位亿万富翁 66%是白手起家
新加坡的亿万富翁人数从去年的41人,増至今年的47人。他们当中,66%是白手起家的富豪。 整个亚太地区亿万富翁的财富增长趋缓,过去一年仅增长1.8%,达到3.8万亿美元。亿万富翁人数从1019人减少到981人,不过,亚太地区的亿万富翁人数仍然是全球最多的。 其中,中国大陆的亿万富翁财富缩水最多,减少了20%,降至1万4447亿美元,亿万富翁人数从520人减少到427人。过去一年中国面临经济放缓、房地产危机等挑战。 香港亿万富翁的财富增长1.6%至3260亿美元,人数从68人上升至74人。 亚太地区中,财富增幅最大的是印度尼西亚和印度。印度尼西亚亿万富翁财富增长47.1%,达到1823亿美元,人数从24人増至28人。 印度亿万富翁财富增长了42.1%,达到9056亿美元,人数从153人增至185人。 全球范围来看,美国亿万富翁在2024年财富增长最多,总额增加了27.6%,达到5.8万亿美元,占全球亿万富翁财富总额的四成以上。美国亿万富翁人数增加了11.2%,达到835人。 Source: 瑞银:今年新加坡有47位亿万富翁 66%是白手起家