Creating a Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF from a huge GeoTIFF : r/gis
gdal_translate D:\lonebutte\LoneButte_geo.tif D:\lonebutte\LoneButte_COG.tif -of COG -co TILING_SCHEME=GoogleMapsCompatible -co COMPRESS=LZW -co BIGTIFF=YES -ot UInt16. Source
瑞银:今年新加坡有47位亿万富翁 66%是白手起家
新加坡的亿万富翁人数从去年的41人,増至今年的47人。他们当中,66%是白手起家的富豪。 整个亚太地区亿万富翁的财富增长趋缓,过去一年仅增长1.8%,达到3.8万亿美元。亿万富翁人数从1019人减少到981人,不过,亚太地区的亿万富翁人数仍然是全球最多的。 其中,中国大陆的亿万富翁财富缩水最多,减少了20%,降至1万4447亿美元,亿万富翁人数从520人减少到427人。过去一年中国面临经济放缓、房地产危机等挑战。 香港亿万富翁的财富增长1.6%至3260亿美元,人数从68人上升至74人。 亚太地区中,财富增幅最大的是印度尼西亚和印度。印度尼西亚亿万富翁财富增长47.1%,达到1823亿美元,人数从24人増至28人。 印度亿万富翁财富增长了42.1%,达到9056亿美元,人数从153人增至185人。 全球范围来看,美国亿万富翁在2024年财富增长最多,总额增加了27.6%,达到5.8万亿美元,占全球亿万富翁财富总额的四成以上。美国亿万富翁人数增加了11.2%,达到835人。 Source: 瑞银:今年新加坡有47位亿万富翁 66%是白手起家
I automated my job application process | Hacker News
I was hiring manager for 3 positions about 4 months ago and the amount of fake applications out there was mind boggling to me. I would say 90% were either entirely fake or had the exact same generated ai text. It got so bad that we started only looking at resumes that had a working […]
That’s not an abstraction, that’s a layer of indirection | Hacker News
The best way to achieve a good abstraction is to recall what the word meant before computer science: namely, something closer to generalization. Source: That’s not an abstraction, that’s a layer of indirection | Hacker News
Does current AI represent a dead end? | Hacker News
My observation is that every wave of neural networks has resulted in a dead end. In my view, this is in large part caused by the (inevitable) brute force mathematical approach used and the fact that this can not map to any kind of mechanistic explanation of what the ANN is doing in a way […]
《中华道藏》,16开48大册, 道家经典丛书,繁体竖排,点校整理本,华夏出版社,2004年1月出版。由中国道教协会、中国社会科学院道家道教研究中心、华夏出版社三家共同筹划,获国家宗教事务局批准,国家“十五”重点图书出版 规划项目,联合全国百名专家学者,组织编修整理而成。以《正统道藏》、《万历续道藏》为底本,对原《道藏》所收各种道书作校补、标点、重新分类,并补入经书百余种,共收书1500多种,5500多卷,约6000余万字。 Source: 中华道藏
如果你是座山雕,你怎么分辨出杨子荣和栾平到底哪个是内奸? – 知乎
黑话的历史渊源流长,把它发展、壮大的,并非土匪,而是各大行会和帮派。比如漕帮和洪门。 因为古代帮众分散在各地,平时联络不便,也没个“年会”,所以不同地方的帮众,彼此之间,往往“只闻其名,不见其人”。 Source: 如果你是座山雕,你怎么分辨出杨子荣和栾平到底哪个是内奸? – 知乎
The 70% problem: Hard truths about AI-assisted coding
After spending the last few years embedded in AI-assisted development, I’ve noticed a fascinating pattern. While engineers report being dramatically more productive with AI, the actual software we use daily doesn’t seem like it’s getting noticeably better. What’s going on here? Source: The 70% problem: Hard truths about AI-assisted coding
Michael Tsai – Blog – Understanding the Limitations of Mathematical Reasoning in Large Language Models
Apple draws attention to a persistent problem in language models: their reliance on pattern matching rather than genuine logical reasoning. In several tests, the researchers demonstrated that adding irrelevant information to a question—details that should not affect the mathematical outcome—can lead to vastly different answers from the models. Source: Michael Tsai – Blog – Understanding […]
Introduction · Reverse Engineering
this tutorial set exists. To make reverse engineering as simple as possible. Source: Introduction · Reverse Engineering