When in Doubt: Hang Up, Look Up, & Call Back – Krebs on Security

“What’s interesting here is the entirety of the fraud was completed over the phone, and at no time did the scammers compromise my account online,” Mitch said. “I absolutely should have hung up and initiated the call myself….” Source: When in Doubt: Hang Up, Look Up, & Call Back – Krebs on Security

中国21城发房价限跌令 工抵房“井喷” | 早报

根不完全统计,截至目前,全国已经有21城发布了“限跌令”。其中有的城市是直接发布行政命令,有的则是通过约谈房企,限制恶意降价,否则就不给予网签的方式。 这些城市包括沈阳、岳阳、昆明、唐山、江阴、鄂州、张家口、株洲、永州等。除沈阳、昆明等个别城市外,绝大多数都是三四五线城市。 Source: 中国21城发房价限跌令 工抵房“井喷” | 早报

Metal Memory Debugging – davidpritchard.org

At Mental Canvas, Dave Burke and I recently resolved a memory leak bug in our iOS app using the Metal graphics libraries. Memory management on Metal has had a few good WWDC talks but has surprisingly little chatter on the web, so I thought I’d share our process and findings. The issue: a transient memory […]

How to downgrade Docker on Ubuntu LTS

Source: issue creating containers due to seccomp failure (error adding seccomp filter rule for syscall clone3: permission denied: unknown, Docker 20.10.10) · Issue #6203 · containerd/containerd When nvidia container is broken, this may help.

The Secret of Synchronization

How does order spontaneously arise out of chaos? This video is sponsored by Kiwico — go to https://ift.tt/39wv70F for 50% off your first month of any crate. An enormous thanks to Prof. Steven Strogatz — this video would not have been possible without him. Much of the script-writing Read more

Mechanism for generating hydroxyl radicals contained in water [Panasonic]

To generate hydroxyl radicals contained in water, invisible moisture is collected from the air and high voltage is applied, creating nano-sized electrostatic atomized water particles. The radicals contain readily act on bacteria, viruses and various substances. Panasonic has independently developed Read more