Apple Inc, going for free within 8 years | Kirk Burgess

Fancy owning Apple Inc, the entire company, for no money down? Well if the current share price level doesn’t go any higher, in less than 8 years time someone will be able to pick up the company effectively for free. Source: Apple Inc, going for free within 8 years | Kirk Burgess

Google Maps to GPX Converter

This tool accepts a link to a pre-made Google Directions and converts it to a GPX file format that can be uploaded and used in sat-nav and GPS units. Xcode iOS Simulator App Location Testing. Source: Google Maps to GPX Converter

Alamofire : How to handle errors globally

My question is quite similar to this one, but for Alamofire : AFNetworking: Handle error globally and repeat request How to be able to catch globally an error (typically a 401) and handle it before Source: Alamofire : How to handle errors globally


Parse’s hosted services will be fully retired on January 28, 2017. We’re proud that we’ve been able to help so many of you build great mobile apps. Read more on this announcement and what this means for your app here. Thank you for using Parse. A surprising announcement. Source: Parse

Diving into the big world of API Guidelines — Erica Sadun

A ridiculous amount of mailing list effort has gone into discussion of SE-0023 API Design Guidelines. You’ll find the original guidelines here at, and I highly recommend you pop over and read them. For the most part, I really like the guidelines. I also think some bits about naming and labels are too prescriptive. Source: Diving into […]

读书笔记「微信思维」 | 萧宸宇

而在张小龙最近在微信公开课里面演讲中,他明确的表示,希望在微信里面用户用完即走。我保守估计微信在手机上的使用时长绝对能排进中国移动互联网用户99%人里面的前三。但是微信的最高决策者却在思考怎么让用户用完即走。但全世界都在争留存,争打开率,争使用时长的时候。居然龙头老大是在做相反的事情,是以用户利益为导向的事情。 Source: 读书笔记「微信思维」 | 萧宸宇

Farewell, Marvin Minsky (1927–2016)—Stephen Wolfram Blog

That afternoon we were driving through Pasadena, California—and with no apparent concern to the actual process of driving, Feynman’s visitor was energetically pointing out all sorts of things an AI would have to figure if it was to be able to do the driving. I was a bit relieved when we arrived at our destination, […]