
西门子和博世,我想了很久,甚至找不到任何一个其他行业的品牌类比。它真的很特殊,很神奇。今天,想和大家认真聊聊,关于博西的一些“冷知识” 其实博西不是近几年,博世收购西门子之后,这两家才在一起的。 Read more

What is the Real Book? (a jazz shibboleth)

What is the Real Book and what in the heck is a jazz shibboleth? A history and analysis of the most influential book in jazz music of the past 40 years. SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: https://ift.tt/2gooVP1 Aimee Nolte’s video on abandoning her Real Books. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMiCg Read more

Where Are The Robotic Bricklayers?

When researching construction, you invariably discover that any new or innovative idea has actually been tried over and over again, often stretching back decades. One of these new-but-actually-old ideas is the idea of a mechanical bricklayer, a machine to automate the construction of masonry walls. Read more

ExynAI, Modular Autonomy for Mission Critical Data

Adapted to the Spirit as an optional payload module, Exyn’s industry-leading autonomous software, ExynAI, provides unprecedented 3D LIDAR mapping in GPS-denied environments. Now with Level 4 Autonomy and advanced data collection software, this payload enables volumetric autonomous navigation, sup Read more

iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR vs. Survey Total Station Accuracy

Today we measured the accuracy of the iPhone 12 Pro’s LiDAR Sensor by comparing it to measurements of a surveying total station. THE RESULTS WILL SHOCK YOU! Is iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR accurate over 200 foot scan? – https://youtu.be/UYZgCWhN5C8 Chapters: 0:00 Intro 1:35 Surveying with the Total Station Read more

Simulating worlds on the GPU

This post delves into the implementation of my procedural earth simulation, written entirely in GLSL fragment shaders. It simulates the complete history of an earth-like planet in a few minutes, with the simulation updating at 60 frames per second. Read more

The journey to controlling external monitors on M1 Macs

One lazy evening in November 2020, I watched how Tim Cook announced a fanless MacBook Air with a CPU faster than the latest 16 inch MacBook, while my work-provided 15 inch 2019 MacBook Pro was slowly frying my lap and annoying my wife with its constant fan noise. Read more