Visual Geometry Group – University of Oxford

VGG Image Annotator is a simple and standalone manual annotation software for image, audio and video. VIA runs in a web browser and does not require any installation or setup. The complete VIA software fits in a single self-contained HTML page of size less than 400 Kilobyte that runs as an offline application in most […]

Awesome Collection of Self Hosted Apps

Noted is an independent publication launched in April 2022 by Jeremy Irwin. The primary topics here are Home Lab, Self Hosting and Open Source or free software related content. Notes from an aspiring home lab and self hosting autodidact. Source: What’s this all about?

GitHub – tubearchivist/tubearchivist: Your self hosted YouTube media server

Once your YouTube video collection grows, it becomes hard to search and find a specific video. That’s where Tube Archivist comes in: By indexing your video collection with metadata from YouTube, you can organize, search and enjoy your archived YouTube videos without hassle offline through a convenient web interface. Source: GitHub – tubearchivist/tubearchivist: Your self […]

全球总市值4月蒸发8万亿美元,中国降幅最大 日经中文网

全球的股票总市值正在骤降。4月减少了约8万亿美元(7.3%),单月的减少金额和降幅均创2020年3月新冠危机加深后、2年1个月以来的新低。在优先封控疫情的中国及加速收紧金融政策的美国,股价明显下跌,投资者越来越警惕世界经济的恶化风险。 Source: 全球总市值4月蒸发8万亿美元,中国降幅最大 日经中文网