ntfy.sh | Send push notifications to your phone via PUT/POST

It allows you to send notifications to your phone or desktop via scripts from any computer, entirely without signup, cost or setup. It’s also open source if you want to run your own. Source: ntfy.sh | Send push notifications to your phone via PUT/POST

Shell Script Best Practices — The Sharat’s

This article is about a few quick thumb rules I use when writing shell scripts that I’ve come to appreciate over the years. Very opinionated. Source: Shell Script Best Practices — The Sharat’s

Sound – Bartosz Ciechanowski

Source: Sound – Bartosz Ciechanowski Seeing the invisible! An awesome web essay to explain a fundamental phenomenon.

BuiltWith: $14M ARR, no employees | Hacker News

They don’t sell advertising, they sell data. Primarily, leads for sales teams. If you want to start a new payment processing service, you subscribe to BuiltWith and they’ll give you the contact info of the decision makers at the top 10,000 websites that use Stripe or whatever competitor you choose. Source: BuiltWith: $14M ARR, no […]

feathericons/feather: Simply beautiful open source icons

Feather is a collection of simply beautiful open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24×24 grid with an emphasis on simplicity, consistency, and flexibility. Source: feathericons/feather: Simply beautiful open source icons

Watching an acquirer ruin your company | Hacker News

1) Management gives an unreasonable deadline to developers before defining the deliverables. Clock starts ticking. 2) Management then fails to settle on the requirements for months and/or continuously moves the goalposts while people are trying to work, turning an unreasonable deadline into an impossible deadline 3) Developers start realizing that they’re going to receive the […]