Doorway effect – Wikipedia

The ‘doorway effect’ or ‘location updating effect’ is a replicable psychological phenomenon characterized by short-term memory loss when passing through a doorway or moving from one location to another.[1] We tend to forget items of recent significance immediately after crossing a boundary[2] and often forget what we were thinking about or planning on doing upon […]

ongoing by Tim Bray · Mourning Google

This is in my mind these days as I’m on a retired-Googlers mailing list where the current round of layoffs is under discussion and, well, it really seems like the joy has well and truly departed the Googleplex. Source: ongoing by Tim Bray · Mourning Google

What Happened To Panasonic? – YouTube

No, this is what happens when executives and shareholders treat their work as day jobs. work is something you build over a lifetime or your legacyjob is your mundane 9-5 day jobcomplacency is what killed Panasonic

An interview with John Walker – Part 1 – Through the Interface

How did Autodesk became a CAD company? The short answer is: COMDEX 1982. Up until that point we were really focused on the product Autodesk [an office automation system for small computers which only later became the name of the company] that was going to be the killer product. AutoCAD was kind-of this… it was […]

Post | LinkedIn

The company was turning over double digit (>$10M) revenue and had more than doubled the number of new product logos in 2023.  However this sales growth was lumpy and our cash position, consequently volatile.  We needed a partner or investor for long term growth.  Finally a very promising M&A process with a larger company fell […]

How Quora died | Hacker News

Every contributor-driven platform has eventually jumped the shark, and all in exactly the same way. Management begins to take contributions for granted. Stops caring about attracting contributors. Then focuses on revenue. Then makes changes to the platform that kill contributions, in pursuit of revenue. Source: How Quora died | Hacker News