
不过,在记者看来,此次万科的“先租后买”确实如万科自己所言,最多只是一种“摸索”的开端,远谈不上颠覆。租金抵房款更多的是一种营销手段,可以帮助万科提前锁定目标客户,让他们先安心搬进万科的房子,体验到万科的居住生态,这无疑有助于万科将租客最终变成房东。而从万科提供的租住产品和租金来看,其主要针对的也是首次置业的年轻一族,面向的也是刚需市场。如果要类比的话,我更愿意把万科的“先租后买”与恒大的“无理由退房”看成一类的做法。 prototyping? Source: 万科“先租后买”,就像恒大“无理由退房”_新快网

Rent-to-own – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rent-to-own agreements are based on a weekly or monthly rental term. In the structure of this type of transaction, the consumer (lessee) – at the end of each week or month – can choose either to renew the lease on a weekly or monthly basis by making renewal payments, or to terminate the agreement with […]

为什么地产商 这么害怕“先租后买”?–百度百家

万科最近干了一件大事,他在重庆推出的首个长租公寓——西九万科驿。告诉大家,对于成功申请“西九·万科驿”的租客,如购买万科西九二期住宅,可享受与所租房屋2年租金等额的房款总价优惠,如购置重庆万科在售的其他楼盘住宅产品,可额外享受1%房款优惠;对于因房源紧张、未能成功获得“西九·万科驿”租赁权的客户,可凭本人或其直系亲属在重庆主城区内任意地点的租赁合同,享受与1年租金等额的房款优惠(最高不超过2万元)。换句话说,万科这次创新的精髓就是租金抵房款,你可以先租后买。这一下地产界炸窝了,因为他们最害怕的一个雷被万科引爆了,如果这个创新扩散,房地产江湖马上血雨腥风,房价将大幅下降。 Source: 为什么地产商 这么害怕“先租后买”?–百度百家

Time to take Nuclide for a spin

This news came as a long awaited response for those who were eagerly waiting for React Native’s support. React native workflow.   Source: Time to take Nuclide for a spin


Crossfilter is a JavaScript library for exploring large multivariate datasets in the browser. Crossfilter supports extremely fast (<30ms) interaction with coordinated views, even with datasets containing a million or more records; we built it to power analytics for Square Register, allowing merchants to slice and dice their payment history fluidly. Source: Crossfilter