中国统计局:经最终核算 2019年GDP比上年增长6.0%

相关文章: 人口普查“查房”是要收房产税?中国国家统计局:误读 中国国家统计局:8月份国民经济持续稳定恢复 中国国家统计局:7月份国民经济继续稳定恢复 第一金融网免责声明: 1、本网站中的文章(包括转贴文章)的 Read more

Tesla Model 3’s motor – The Brilliant Engineering behind it

The engineers of Tesla motor’s shocked everyone when they abandoned the versatile induction motor in Model 3 cars. They used a totally different motor called IPM-SynRM. Let’s understand why the Tesla engineers made this crucial design change. We thank EMWorks for their FEA support. To know more abo Read more

How to build synthetic DNA and send it across the internet | Dan Gibson

Biologist Dan Gibson edits and programs DNA, just like coders program a computer. But his “code” creates life, giving scientists the power to convert digital information into biological material like proteins and vaccines. Now he’s on to a new project: “biological transportation,” which holds the pr Read more

Machine learning is going real-time

After talking to machine learning and infrastructure engineers at major Internet companies across the US, Europe, and China, I noticed two groups of companies. Read more

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The TextBundle file format aims to provide a more seamless user experience when exchanging plain text files, like Markdown or Fountain, between sandboxed applications. Sandboxing is required for all apps available on the Mac and iOS app store, in order to grant users a high level of data security. Read more