如何看待 2020 美国大选拜登获胜?

那么我们就需要好好了解一下,拜登这个新一任美国总统,他有可能给当前国际格局和博弈,带来哪些不同的变化,以及会有哪些不变的地方。 Read more


几乎所有的中东帝国,几乎一下就会占据/席卷全部或大部的这个高原(如波斯、亚历山大等等等等,有很多中东帝国版图的主体都是这个大高原,以及大高原脚下的新月地带)。 Read more

Ray Dalio: The Changing World Order

In this video we try sum up Ray Dalio’s views on the changing world order. Dalio has a long form article written on his LinkedIn about this topic (which is a great read), so we thought it was important to make it into a short video so more people can see it! 📜Get 2 FREE […]

Total collapse: Lebanon’s currency crisis explained

Dubai: Lebanon’s current economic catastrophe is epitomised by one factor more than any other: The free fall of its currency. Since 1997, the Lebanese Central Bank has artificially pegged to the lira was to the US dollar at the rate of $1 = 1,500LP (1,507 to be precise). Read more

Argentina Defaults on Sovereign Debt Amid Coronavirus Crisis

Argentina defaulted on sovereign debt for the ninth time in its history, as Latin America’s third-biggest economy grapples with a new cycle of economic contraction, runaway inflation and a hard-currency squeeze exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. Read more