做英国“二等公民”还是堂堂正正中国人?港人该交卷了1月29日,外交部新闻发言人赵立坚宣布,自1月31日起,中方不再承认所谓的BNO护照作为旅行证件和身份证明,并保留采取进一步措施的权利。 紧随外交部的部署,香港特 Read more
Kissinger: Return to Iran deal could spark Middle East nuclear arms race
“I don’t believe that the spirit [of the Iran deal], with a time limit and so many escape clauses, will do anything other than bring nuclear weapons all over the Middle East.” Read more
如何看待 2020 美国大选拜登获胜?
那么我们就需要好好了解一下,拜登这个新一任美国总统,他有可能给当前国际格局和博弈,带来哪些不同的变化,以及会有哪些不变的地方。 Read more
几乎所有的中东帝国,几乎一下就会占据/席卷全部或大部的这个高原(如波斯、亚历山大等等等等,有很多中东帝国版图的主体都是这个大高原,以及大高原脚下的新月地带)。 Read more
Ray Dalio: The Changing World Order
In this video we try sum up Ray Dalio’s views on the changing world order. Dalio has a long form article written on his LinkedIn about this topic (which is a great read), so we thought it was important to make it into a short video so more people can see it! 📜Get 2 FREE […]
Total collapse: Lebanon’s currency crisis explained
Dubai: Lebanon’s current economic catastrophe is epitomised by one factor more than any other: The free fall of its currency. Since 1997, the Lebanese Central Bank has artificially pegged to the lira was to the US dollar at the rate of $1 = 1,500LP (1,507 to be precise). Read more
台媒:AMD 提前包下台积电 2021 年 7nm 和 5nm 产能,Q2 投片量将超越苹果
新酷产品第一时间免费试玩,还有众多优质达人分享独到生活经验,快来新浪众测,体验各领域最前沿、最有趣、最好玩的产品吧~!下载客户端还能获得专享福利哦! Read more
Argentina Defaults on Sovereign Debt Amid Coronavirus Crisis
Argentina defaulted on sovereign debt for the ninth time in its history, as Latin America’s third-biggest economy grapples with a new cycle of economic contraction, runaway inflation and a hard-currency squeeze exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. Read more