China’s National Digital Currency DCEP / CBDC Overview
What is DCEP? China’s national digital currency DCEP (Digital Currency Electronic Payment, DC/EP) will be built with Blockchain and Cryptographic technology. Read more
AIIB Approves EUR70-M Loan to Support Turkey’s Healthcare Infrastructure
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB) Board of Directors has approved a loan of EUR70 million (approximately USD82.6 million equivalent) to support the Government of Turkey in strengthening its healthcare emergency response against the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more
Turkey: Central Bank reserves hit $90.3B in July
Official reserve assets of the Turkish Central Bank reached $90.3 billion as of end-July, rising 4.5% month-on-month, according to data from the bank on Friday. Foreign currency reserves — in convertible foreign currencies — decreased 1.4% to $45. Read more
What would happen if Americans lost confidence in the US Dollar and started using the Canadian Dollar, the Euro or the UK Pound? – Quora
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