
Configuration is not required to watch stock price but is helpful when always watching the same stocks. Configuration can also be used to set cost basis lots which will in turn be used to show daily gain or loss on any position. Read more


Apache Arrow is a software development platform for building high performance applications that process and transport large data sets. It is designed to both improve the performance of analytical algorithms and the efficiency of moving data from one system or programming language to another. Read more

Automating My Job with GPT-3

As an analyst, I spend a lot of my time writing SQL (or other code) to answer questions about our business. Read more

Sketch Library for Big Sur

Nearly two months after macOS Big Sur’s public release, the Apple human interface team has finally released an updated Sketch library optimized for its top to bottom redesign. User interface designers and developers have been anxiously awaiting this new design kit for quite awhile. Read more

关于 SwiftUI State 的一些细节

在 SwiftUI 中,我们使用 @State 进行私有状态管理,并驱动 View 的显示,这是基础中的基础。比如,下面的 ContentView 将在点击加号按钮时将显示的数字 +1: Read more

SwiftUI Custom View Modifiers

Create your own custom SwiftUI view modifier when you want to reuse a set of modifiers on multiple views. Removing duplication also cleans up and improves the readability of your SwiftUI views. Here’s my starting point. A SwiftUI view that contains two text views with some styling applied: Read more

SwiftUI Layout Explained

We did a lot of research for our book, Thinking in SwiftUI, but even so we kept encountering layout behavior that we couldn’t really make sense of. We decided to go one step further, and reimplement SwiftUI’s layout system, along with the layout behavior of many built-in views. Read more

Deep Learning for Localization and Mapping

This repository is a collection of deep learning based localization and mapping approaches. A survey is offered in the following paper: This list is maintained by and Bing Wang, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford. Read more


RealityUI is a collection of User Interface classes for RealityKit. The classes included in RealityUI aim to offer familiar User Interface guidelines, but in a 3D setting for Augmented and Virtual Reality through RealityKit. Read more