How to control someone else’s arm with your brain | Greg Gage

Greg Gage is on a mission to make brain science accessible to all. In this fun, kind of creepy demo, the neuroscientist and TED Senior Fellow uses a simple, inexpensive DIY kit to take away the free will of an audience member. It’s not a parlor trick; it actually works. You have to see it […]


This vein visualization technology uses near-infrared light, which is absorbed by blood but reflected by the surrounding tissue, to locate veins up to 15mm deep, and then projects the results back on the skin. pic.twitter. Read more

A Game of Doves and Hawks

Try Brilliant’s Computational Biology course: Primer on Patreon! to supporters on Patreon, especially:Vladimir Duchenchuk, Victor Anne, Noah Healy, Zachariah Richard Fournier, Patrick Gorrell, Jordan Scales, Jacob M Read more

I Just Hit $100k/yr On GitHub Sponsors! 🎉❤️ (How I Did It)

My last year as a full-time developer (at Tighten) was 2018. (Read “On Leaving My Day Job” for that story) Developer salaries vary like crazy, but $90k was pretty solid for me. Combined with my wife’s income and some Mustachianism it was plenty to save up a chunk of cash for a rainy day. Read […]


众所周知,近年来美国限制政策的加码、新基建的推进、大批半导体相关企业科创板上市等一系列事件的发酵,使国内半导体产业迎来了前所未有的发展时机。 Read more

As We May Code

Chris Lattner often describes LLVM as a process of lowering. You start at the highest level of abstraction, source code written in a programming language like Swift or Objective-C. Read more


推薦一個極佳的小工具Boop,一直很希望每天用的Tot有一個頁籤內建這功能。它可以對隨手貼上的一串內 Read more

The TikTok War

Over the last week, as the idea of banning TikTok in the U.S. has shifted from a fringe idea to a seeming inevitability (thanks in no small part to India’s decision to do just that), those opposed to the idea and those in support seem to be talking past each other. read more