
政治,特别是地缘政治,其实是简单又残酷的,你只不过是勤奋造舰,小步快跑,解决了从综合射频到通用垂发等一个又一个问题,结果你再抬眼看看周围,会发现周边的矛盾一个接一个就自动消失了。 Read more

Convert an image of numbers to a .csv file

This Python program aims to convert images of array numbers to corresponding .csv files. It uses OpenCV for Python to process the given image and Tesseract for number recognition. Read more

Shit Swift Dev

The bigger the project gets, the most you need to decouple responsibilities. That’s how I ended up with the PIKACHU architecture. What’s your Read more

70 后都跑哪去了?

过年后回到公司上班,有人入职有人离职,影影绰绰的一个念头出现在我呆滞的脑海里:公司是不是就剩一个 70 后了啊,想到这里后脊梁的汗毛竖了竖,跟蜘蛛侠似的。于是翻了翻 HR 系统,嗯,残酷的真相只有一个,是的。 Read more

Restrict all docker outbound connections

Is there a way to block my docker containers from making outbound connections? In development, I don’t want my app container accidentally connection to my live server. Fixing the credentials is in the works. I’m using docker in linux and mac but I’m looking for something that the OS doesn’t matter. Read more