scrcpy (v1.17)

This application provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB (or over TCP/IP). It does not require any root access. It works on GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS. The Android device requires at least API 21 (Android 5.0). Read more


OpenHaystack is a framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple’s massive Find My network. Use it to create your own tracking tags that you can append to physical objects (keyrings, backpacks, …) or integrate it into other Bluetooth-capable devices such as notebooks. Read more


众所周知,在自然界,基因的转移方向一般是从同一物种的亲代到子代,即所谓的基因垂直转移。例如,动物通过交配产生后代,植物借由种子传递基因,细菌通过分裂扩充种群,等等。不过,自然界还存在另一种基因转移方式 Read more

Linux Foundation starts landmark open source agtech project, AgStack

On Wednesday, Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization that seeks to enable mass innovation through open source technology, announced the launch of the AgStack Foundation, the first open source digital infrastructure project designed specifically for the global agriculture ecosystem. Read more


根据比特币自上次移动以来移动以来的时间,把比特币进行划分,可以称为比特币的币龄。 把不同币龄区间的比特币相对于所有已挖出的比特币的占比,随时间变化画出曲线,如下图所示。 Read more

Basic Music Theory in ~200 Lines of Python

Note: all the code for this article can be found here as a Github gist. There’s also a nice discussion on Hacker News with lots of comments that might be of interest. I’m a self-taught guitarist of many years, and like a lot of self-taught musicians, am woefully inept at (Western) music theory. Read more

Hosting SQLite databases on Github Pages

I was writing a tiny website to display statistics of how much sponsored content a Youtube creator has over time when I noticed that I often write a small tool as a website that queries some data from a database and then displays it in a graph, a table, or similar. Read more