1990 年代在高位接盘的日本人,在房价崩溃后都怎么样了?

历史是最好的老师我跟很多朋友聊起过91年的日本,08年的美国,当然,每当这个时候,大家会显得非常专业,并且都能很好的反驳我。虽然我知道大家可能根本就没有真正的研究过,只是看了几篇散文一样的文章,然后总结出 Read more

Open-sourcing the Micro.blog apps

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the longevity of Micro.blog and where we need help to continue to grow the platform and community. Read more

People Staring at Computers

In 2011 I published a series of photos taken with the laptops in two New York City Apple Stores, as part of my ongoing exploration of surveillance, face analysis, and computer-mediated interaction. In response, Apple contacted the Secret Service and they raided my apartment. Read more


一个成功的产品要走向全球需要经历很多环节,从软件开发的视角主要有国际化和本地化两个流程: Read more

Stripe Identity

Stripe Identity helps you confirm the identity of global users to prevent fraud, streamline risk operations, and increase trust and safety. Source: Identity

Behind GitHub’s new authentication token formats | The GitHub Blog

We of course can’t forget about token entropy. Entropy is a logarithmic measure of information or uncertainty inherent in the possible token combinations. We use it as a representation of uniqueness for a given pattern and it’s important to maintain for the vast number of tokens we generate everyday. For personal access tokens alone, we […]

Open Source Farming Robot : Hacker News

1 – there are no straight lines on a farm. Maybe in a hydro setup built on concrete slab, in which case, why robot? 2 – needs a way to cover more ground. If it’s not able to travel linearly indefinitely in one direction along a bed, there’s no way to scale. Read more


哇 Group Activities 框架很有想象力啊,SharePlay 只是其上面的一个应用,这个框架提供了一 Read more