How video games use LUTs and how you can too

Look-up-tables, more commonly referred to as LUTs, are as old as Mathematics itself. The act of precalculating things into a row or table is nothing new. But in the realm of graphics programming, this simple act unlocks some incredibly creative techniques, which both artists and programmers found when faced with tough technical hurdles. Source: How […]

Michael Tsai – Blog – iMessage With PQ3

Apple’s encryption may be quantum-computer-proof, but it’s not lawmaker-proof. And that’s a weak link that absolutely will be exploited, someday. E2EE is a luxury that can be snatched away in an instant, a false sense of security in an increasingly dangerous world. Source: Michael Tsai – Blog – iMessage With PQ3

Ask HN: What have you built with LLMs? | Hacker News

I like the idea very much! Using an LLM as a “sparring partner” for training in various areas. LLMs tend to hallucinate, so I find it harder to use them reliably in the context of decision making. Training however is a nice idea indeed: mistakes are not as critical, just as in real life any […]

How I write HTTP services in Go after 13 years | Grafana Labs

It’s for everybody who plans to write some kind of HTTP service in Go. You may also find this useful if you’re learning Go, as lots of the examples follow good practices. Experienced gophers might also pick up some nice patterns. Source: How I write HTTP services in Go after 13 years | Grafana Labs

贵州一村民办酒席被挂工作证人员往食物撒盐,当地通报「已致歉」,如何评价此事? – 知乎

在广大偏南地区,比如,四川、湖北、重庆、贵州等地,农村有经常“整酒”的,近十来年形成的习惯。具体做法就是,摆几桌到十来桌不等,买点儿散酒,然后家里做饭,饭菜都是比较普通的,鸡鸭鱼肉这样,再用比较普通的素菜把饭桌弄的满一些。随后,跟邻居亲戚们打招呼说一下整酒的理由,就是孩子满月了,或者家里盖了新房子了之类的。 Source: 贵州一村民办酒席被挂工作证人员往食物撒盐,当地通报「已致歉」,如何评价此事? – 知乎

Doorway effect – Wikipedia

The ‘doorway effect’ or ‘location updating effect’ is a replicable psychological phenomenon characterized by short-term memory loss when passing through a doorway or moving from one location to another.[1] We tend to forget items of recent significance immediately after crossing a boundary[2] and often forget what we were thinking about or planning on doing upon […]

ongoing by Tim Bray · Mourning Google

This is in my mind these days as I’m on a retired-Googlers mailing list where the current round of layoffs is under discussion and, well, it really seems like the joy has well and truly departed the Googleplex. Source: ongoing by Tim Bray · Mourning Google