On Recruiting, Inclusiveness, and Crafting Better Job Descriptions – Safari Blog
Don’t optimize for discouraging undesirables. Optimize for encouraging the people who you do want. Source: On Recruiting, Inclusiveness, and Crafting Better Job Descriptions – Safari Blog
OSX utility app to manage the localization .strings files Source: LigeiaRowena/LocalizationManager
A collection of cool hidden and not so hidden features of Git and GitHub. Source: tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet
A simple UIKit extension to wrap the flexbox properties in regular UIView. This project is based on the robust Facebook’s C implementation of Flexbox. The goal is to have a small standalone UIKit library to layout elements. It doesn’t rely on the DOM model at all. Source: alexdrone/ios-flexboxkit
在 Google Map 加入 D3 圖像
如何在 Google Map 裡面加入 D3 的圖像,這次我們實際將資料套進去吧。 Source: 在 Google Map 加入 D3 圖像 – 2 « kuro’s Blog
Constraints & Transformations | Reveal
Prior to the release of iOS 8, mixing Auto Layout with view affine transformations was a shady business: some configurations just didn’t work as expected, so it was mostly avoided or worked around (this Stack Overflow question on the topic has been quite popular). But soon after iOS 8 was released it became apparent that […]
a request lifecycle cheatsheet for @hapijs
lifecycle cheatsheet for @hapijs
Apple Watch UI Assets for Sketch 3 – minimum inc.
Source: Apple Watch UI Assets for Sketch 3 – minimum inc.
an iBooks like PDF viewer that can be embedded in iOS applications.
M13PDFKit is an iBooks like PDF viewer that can be embedded in iOS applications. M13PDFKit is based off of vfr/Reader. The backend uses the same classes that Reader uses, the front end has been recreated to match iOS 7’s design, and use more up to date features, like UICollectionViews. Source: Marxon13/M13PDFKit
为第三方扩展创建 Swift 模块
实际上,如果使用 Carthage 的话,即把第三方扩展作为 Framework 引入,会导致无法支持 iOS 7,但是 Swift 本身是支持 iOS 7 的, 在编译命令和生成的文件中检查发现,对于 iOS 7,Swift 使用了纯静态模块编译的方法。所以其实我们引入第三方扩展的时候也可以这样做。 Source: 为第三方扩展创建 Swift 模块 – 猫·仁波切