The swiftest way to write a command line tool Source: kylef/CLIKit


Seriously awesome list of free icon packs. What a treat. Source: IconStore

Prototyping with iAd Producer — Linda Dong

iAd Producer is a favorite of mine (I actually worked on its design for awhile at Apple) it’s a little-known but extremely powerful tool from Apple. Think of it as “advanced Keynote”, or “actually accessible Interface Builder”. Alas the app is meant for not-so-popular content like iAds and iBooks widgets, but it can easily be repurposed to prototype iOS and Mac […]

The Intention Behind Think Kit — The Open Studio: A Blog by FiftyThree

One of the most interesting production aspects of this project is the amount of prototypes we built along the way. FiftyThree has always had a strong prototyping discipline, yet Think Kit required even more than usual due to the design and engineering complexity. Source: The Intention Behind Think Kit — The Open Studio: A Blog […]


A text field with a constant text/placeholder Source: gmertk/ParkedTextField

Safari Page Controller

A new controller component that reproduces Mobile Safari’s tab switching behavior Source: stefanceriu/SCSafariPageController


ActionSheet and UIActivityViewController replacement, using a descriptor component. Source: leverdeterre/JMActionSheetDescription


CoreData management library written in Swift Source: SugarRecord/SugarRecord