A Size Class Reference Guide

The iOS Human Interface Guidelines describe the size classes used by full screen iPad and iPhone devices but do not (yet) include the various slide over and split screen combinations. In any case finding or remembering the details is tricky so after a few minutes with OmniGraffle here, for future reference, is my guide: Source: […]

姑娘,你的斗志掉了 – 羡辙杂俎

常常看到有人说要走出舒适圈(comfort zone)才能有斗志做出点成绩,但我却只有在舒舒服服的情况下才能做出有创意有想法的作品。常常看到很多对事业很有激情非常执着的人,但这样的人往往对生活本身丧失了热情和活力,总会给我不怎么好的印象。 Source: 姑娘,你的斗志掉了 – 羡辙杂俎


A step by step guide of how to start contracting in United Kingdom Source: tadast/switching-to-contracting-uk


Weave creates a virtual network that connects Docker containers deployed across multiple hosts and enables their automatic discovery. Source: weaveworks/weave


The data explorer is an open source point-and-click interface for querying and visualizing your event data. Source: keen/explorer


Unofficial documentation of the Xcode Server API (Xcode 7 edition) Source: czechboy0/XcodeServer-API-Docs


The way to build a great anything — a product, a company, a book, a blog, an app, a service, a movie, anything — is not to obsess over not making mistakes. That leads to paralysis. Try to avoid mistakes, sure. But recognize that you’ll inevitably make some, and create a culture and work ethic […]


Settings screen composing framework Quick and easy way to make a settings screen. Source: DavdRoman/Bohr


CoreData Store with Sync for CloudKit Source: nofelmahmood/CKSIncrementalStore


Manage an S3 website: sync, deliver via CloudFront, benefit from advanced S3 website features. Source: laurilehmijoki/s3_website