
The primary goal of this plugin is to disable the original Fix Issue button, as it has side effects, like sometimes revoking your certificates and with it all its provisioning profiles. This is especially a big problem when working in a bigger team: Someone clicks the Fix Issue button and revokes the other profiles. This […]

xcode6 – How do I add certificates for OS X Server 3.2.1 with Xcode 6.0.1 – Stack Overflow

Troubleshooting Xcode server signing identity Portal.keychain   #!/bin/sh importP12() { P12FILE=”$1″ XCS=”/Library/Developer/XcodeServer”; XCBIN=”$XCS/CurrentXcodeSymlink/Contents/Developer/usr/bin”; PORTALKC=”$XCS/Keychains/Portal.keychain” PORTALKCS=”$XCS/SharedSecrets/PortalKeychainSharedSecret” sudo security -i <<IMPORT unlock-keychain -p “sudo cat $PORTALKCS” $PORTALKC import “$P12FILE” -k $PORTALKC -T “$XCBIN/xcsbuildd” -T “$XCBIN/xcscontrol” -T “$XCBIN/xcodebuild” -T /usr/bin/codesign lock-keychain $PORTALKC IMPORT } echo “Please enter your account password:” for p12 in “$@” do importP12 “$p12” done […]