awentzonline/image-analogies: Generate image analogies using neural matching and blending.

This is basically an implementation of this “Image Analogies” paper In our case, we use feature maps from VGG16. The patch matching and blending is done with a method described in “Combining Markov Random Fields and Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Synthesis” Effects similar to that paper can be achieved by turning off […]


GeBIZ is the Singapore Government’s one-stop e-procurement portal. All the public sector’s invitations for quotations and tenders are posted on GeBIZ. Suppliers can search for government procurement opportunities, download tender documents, and submit their bids online. GeBIZ allows any supplier to access public sector business opportunities anywhere and anytime with just an Internet connection. Source: […]

carlbutron/Swift: Reusable apps code. Written in Swift

This project provides some examples in Swift for iOS. With Swift now officially released, its general syntax should be familiar enough for most programmers to understand. Source: carlbutron/Swift: Reusable apps code. Written in Swift

A sample Docker workflow with Nginx, Node.js and Redis · Anand Mani Sankar

For this example, I have a very simple Node.js applications that increments a counter stored on Redis. I want to run Redis and the node application independently as I want to have the ability to scale the node application depending on the load. To start off, I have 3 instances of the node server running […]


2013年2月,前Gluster的CEO Ben Golub和dotCloud的CEO Solomon Hykes坐在一起聊天时,Solomon谈到想把dotCloud内部使用的Container容器技术单独拿出来开源,然后围绕这个技术开一家新公司提供技术支持。2013年3月Docker 0.1一发布,这项基于LXC(Linux Container) 技术开始被业界顶尖厂商支持并关注。本文通过深入解释Docker核心技术预览的方式,让大家全面了解Docker技术对云计算时代发布产品的影响。 Source: 深入浅出Docker(一):Docker核心技术预览

Swift 烧脑体操(四) – map 和 flatMap

版权说明本文为 InfoQ 中文站特供稿件,首发地址为:文章链接。如需转载,请与 InfoQ 中文站联系。 前言Swift 其实比 Objective-C 复杂很多,相对于出生于上世纪 80 年代的 Objective-C 来说,Swift 融入了大量新特性。这也使得我们学习掌握这门语言变得相对来说更加困难。不过一切都是值得的,Swift 相比 Objective-C,写出来的程序更安全、更简洁, Source: Swift 烧脑体操(四) – map 和 flatMap