mkoehnke/WKZombie: WKZombie is a Swift library for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. In addition, it can be used to run automated tests or manipulate websites usi

WKZombie is a Swift library for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. In addition, it can be used to run automated tests or manipulate websites using Javascript. Source: mkoehnke/WKZombie: WKZombie is a Swift library for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites […]

造福同人,吉卜力使用的动画制作软件宣布开源化 | ACGdoge

日本著名的弹幕视频网站 NicoNico 的母公司 Dwango,收购了意大利罗马的 DigitalVideo 公司独立开发的动画制作软件「Toonz」,在下周举办的 Anime Japan 上 Dwango 将会公开这款专业动画制作软件的开源版本「Open Toonz」,源代码将会完整公开,只要是有能力就可以遵守开源协议进行代码的改良优化甚至是定制化,在「Open Toonz」的软件中将会包含吉卜力工作室为自己专门开发的「Toonz Ghibli Edition」功能,还有 Dwango 会将自己的人工智能技术也揉合进该软件中。 Source: 造福同人,吉卜力使用的动画制作软件宣布开源化 | ACGdoge

How to build an incremental search using FRP

Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) has changed how I think about solving problems in iOS. Here I will show you a complete and simple way to build an incremental search using FRP. Source: How to build an incremental search using FRP

polm/gamefaces: Public domain headshots

This is a collection of square headshots extracted from the Internet Archive Book Images Flickr Stream. Face positions were extracted using the Google Cloud Vision API. Source: polm/gamefaces: Public domain headshots

Using a Router to Organize your Alamofire API Calls – Grok Swift

Previously we set up some REST API Calls With Alamofire & SwiftyJSON. While it’s a bit of overkill for those simple calls we can improve our code by using an Alamofire router. The router will put together the URL requests for us which will avoid having URL strings throughout our code. A router can also […]


不过,在记者看来,此次万科的“先租后买”确实如万科自己所言,最多只是一种“摸索”的开端,远谈不上颠覆。租金抵房款更多的是一种营销手段,可以帮助万科提前锁定目标客户,让他们先安心搬进万科的房子,体验到万科的居住生态,这无疑有助于万科将租客最终变成房东。而从万科提供的租住产品和租金来看,其主要针对的也是首次置业的年轻一族,面向的也是刚需市场。如果要类比的话,我更愿意把万科的“先租后买”与恒大的“无理由退房”看成一类的做法。 prototyping? Source: 万科“先租后买”,就像恒大“无理由退房”_新快网