How to gather all my photos in one app | Peakto – YouTube

Peakto is a game-changing photo organizer for Mac users that gathers all your photos in one app (without creating additional copies or forcing you to change your editing or organizational workflows). Peakto is the hub that centralizes all your images, no matter what hard drive they are stored on, or the editing software they have […]

The Farce and Consequences of the Debt Limit and the Debt | LinkedIn

We all know that there is no real debt limit because what is called a debt limit never actually limits the debt. It’s a farce that works like a bunch of alcoholics who write laws to enforce drinking limits, and when a limit is reached, they do a farcical negotiation that temporarily eliminates the limit […]

road bike – Loading front wheel in a sharp turn? – Bicycles Stack Exchange

1) in cycling, weight is distributed more on the rear wheel (70 rear-30front approx.). So even assume that both wheel is at the same leaning angle, the front would lose traction first (friction proportional to reaction force). This is because the front wheel has less ‘grip’ limit than the rear wheel. Source: road bike – […]


虽然Columbus拥有悠久的历史,但却一直是管材行业中最具创新与活力的。Columbus在上世纪20年代就开创了抽管工艺(管壁两端厚中间薄的工艺)。这种工艺在保障两头连接处强度的同时,最大化的减轻了管材的重量,而这种工艺至今任然是钢材轻量化的主要手段。目前随着工艺不断进步,又发展出了双抽(Double Butted)和三抽(Thriple Butted)的超轻量管材。 Source: 每个钢架车爱好者心中都有一只意大利鸽子

NJS的粗略个人研究 – 知乎

NJS的认证主要为了达到两个目标:1、振兴日本的传统自行车工业。2、保证竞轮比赛中车手器材的公平性。其实日本的自行车工业的振兴,谁的贡献都没有Shimano的大。同时作为公平性而言,国际化的UCI也有非常详细的标准。NJS是一种封建般的传统主义,受到日本的武士道精神影响,在它变态般的传统主义框架下,NJS体系内的自行车零件的技术范围被完全禁锢,只能在外观、润度、工艺品质上进行细节上的打磨。于是出现了令人惊艳的工艺品。这点跟现在日本的武士刀工匠类似,完全无视冶金技术、合金材料、规模化生产等现代化,只采用传统的冶炼方法和纯手工折叠锻打和淬火技艺。。。 Source: NJS的粗略个人研究 – 知乎

Blaise Agüera y Arcas – Wikipedia

Blaise Agüera y Arcas (born 1975)[1] is an American software engineer, software architect, and designer. He is an authority in computer vision, machine intelligence, and computational photography and presents regularly at conferences.[2][3][4] He appears regularly at TED and his presentations have been rated some of TED’s “most jaw-dropping.”[5] At Google, he leads teams that build […]