The brain dictionary – YouTube

Where exactly are the words in your head? Scientists have created an interactive map showing which brain areas respond to hearing different words. The map reveals how language is spread throughout the cortex and across both hemispheres, showing groups of words clustered together by meaning. The beautiful interactive model allows us to explore the complex […]

Tackling China’s Debt Problem: Can Debt-Equity Conversions Help? | iMFdirect – The IMF Blog

Thus, getting the design right is critical: Debt-equity conversions should convert debt only of viable firms in the context of operational restructuring plans for the firms (which may include changing management), at fair value, and with banks holding the equity for a limited period only. NPL securitization should encompass a diversified pool of NPLs, with banks keeping […]

Brain: Mapping the vocabulary over the brain cortex

Semantic maps Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure brain activity in seven people while they listened to more than 2 hours of stories from The Moth Radio Hour. This data was used to estimate voxel-wise models that predict brain activity in each voxel (volumetric pixel) based on the meaning of the words […]

Inevitability in technology — Benedict Evans

A good example is Waterloo – Napoleon Bonaparte really could have won, and it was very close. He wouldn’t have needed completely different circumstances, just a few different decisions over the previous few days. There was no inevitability to his defeat. But if he had won, what then? Would he have been able to reach […]

building / breaking things : Making Truly Native Native Apps on Apple Watch

Seriously, it’s horrible. Being able to build proper apps would be so great, instead of simple ways to display JSON files with Interface Builder (yes, that’s basically what WatchKit currently is). Especially watch faces, I’d love to be able to build my own (even powered by Sprite Kit, I know the stock ones use it!), […]

SwiftCon 期间的面基和八卦 | 唐巧的技术博客

大会第一天结束后,我和 ThoughtWorks 的几个朋友(傅若愚、方志刚、小灰灰)一起去撸串。他们给我介绍了很多关于这家公司的趣事。小灰灰其实是前 ThoughtWorks 员工,现在在 SegmentFault 做市场运营相关的工作。 ThoughtWorks 以前在我眼中总是很神秘,这次和他们聊天,更进一步从各种故事中了解了这家公司。和别的偏咨询的业务不太一样,ThoughtWorks 在移动开发领域,整体上业务还是侧重「外包」开发的工作较多。 在和他们聊天的过程中,我才发现 ThoughtWorks 是在 iOS 开发中,也实践成功了 TDD 的公司。而这一点,其实做到的互联网公司非常少。在我之前的认知中,因为移动开发的单元测试能够覆盖的代码极其有限,加上移动开发中的功能模块(特别是上层的界面和交互逻辑)在快速迭代中反复更改,我认为 TDD 并不适合在移动开发领域。ThoughtWorks 的故事让我再次对自己的观点产生了动摇。 进一步了解到,ThoughtWorks 的一个 App 的业务逻辑,可能由超过 10 个人来完成,另外 ThoughtWorks 的员工也可能分布在不同的城市,他们需要更解耦地工作和协调,而这个时候,TDD 成为一个很简单有效的方式。ThoughtWorks 接的 App 开发的单子,本身也不太可能像移动互联网公司那样,两周发一个版本来快速迭代。综合起来,在移动开发中引入 TDD,或许适合这样的场景: App 开发人员超过 10 人,并且大家代码相互依赖 App 开发人员异地协同工作 App 的迭代周期不算特别频繁 App 的质量非常重要 小灰灰还提到,ThoughtWorks 这家公司还有一个比较独特的地方,就是创始人不完全以赢利为目的来经营公司,比如他们会接一些明显亏本的、但是公益性的项目,比如在一些第三世界国家,帮助当地的政府开发一些信息系统。整体 ThoughtWorks 中国区还是很挣钱的,但是补贴给了不少国外的亏本项目。 ThoughtWorks 另外一个文化,就是大量招聘新人,大部分员工都是工作 1-3 年的,使用新人的首要原因其实是因为便宜,ThoughtWorks 在整体互联网行业中给付的薪水并不高,所以使用新人可以使得他们能够控制住成本。同时,ThoughtWorks 还是比较有技术追求的,他们公司内部有一些行业资深的大牛可以指导这些新人,于是那些有潜力的新人,能够得到快速地项目锻炼和恰当的指导,于是快速成长。小灰灰说,有一些新人,刚进公司,就要去给那些年纪比他大十几岁的客户做敏捷咨询,那种压力是巨大的,相对来说成长也是巨大的。 但是,终究 ThoughtWorks […]