
融360为您提供二手房交易税费计算器,本二手房交易税费计算器可以帮助您计算买卖双方在买卖二手房时中所涉及到的主要税费数额,适用于北京、上海、广州、深圳等城市的二手房买卖交易税费计算。 http://www.rong360.com/calculator/ershoufangjiaoyishui.html

曾准确预测油价暴跌 索罗斯首席策略师:沙特摊上事儿

Schreiber预测油价将涨至50美元或55美元一桶,而沙特确保收支平衡的油价水平在90美元。目前油价大约为44美元一桶。 他还估计,若油价维持在50美元上下,沙特每年将用掉800亿至1000亿美元的外汇储备,在最终陷入困境前还有两三年的时间。 http://gold.jrj.com.cn/2016/05/10212120939896.shtml

DIKW Pyramid – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The DIKW Pyramid, also known variously as the “DIKW Hierarchy”, “Wisdom Hierarchy”, the “Knowledge Hierarchy”, the “Information Hierarchy”, and the “Knowledge Pyramid”,[1] refers loosely to a class of models[2] for representing purported structural and/or functional relationships between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. “Typically information is defined in terms of data, knowledge in terms of information, […]

Deploy a Mesos Cluster with 7 Commands Using Docker — Medium

This tutorial will show you how to bring up a single node Mesos cluster all provisioned out using Docker containers (a future post will show how to easily scale this out to multi nodes or see the update on the bottom). This means that you can startup an entire cluster with 7 commands! Nothing to […]

Creating a Mobile App with WP-API and React Native

This is article 1 of 3 in the series “WP REST API” WP REST API Part 1: Creating a Mobile App with WP-API and React Native WP REST API Part 2: Customizing Default Endpoints and Adding New Ones WP REST API Part 2.5: Using it in WordPress 4.4 The WP REST API is a WordPress plugin that intends […]


而在我国现行实践中,银行调整资产负债更多还是为了规避监管。我国监管层对银行施行了一系列监管措施,包括规定存贷比、合意信贷规模、资本充足率、不良率等指标。任何基于会计科目的监管都有被操纵的可能。银行通过资产负债调整,将部分信贷资产包装成非信贷资产、高风险权重的资产包装成低风险权重资产、甚至将资产调出资产负债表外,从而达到美化监管指标的目的。这种出表需求就相对不那么合理,但又是商业银行追逐盈利的天性的反映。 Source: 这些年银行资产出表游戏都怎么玩的?-华尔街见闻