Imposters – Wolfire Games Blog

Imposters are an extreme form of LOD (level of detail) optimization, replacing entire models with simple, flat pictures of themselves. They are much like the flat facades used in old Hollywood films, or the cardboard character cutouts used to promote books and movies. Here is an Overgrowth scene that has 3D trees interspersed with imposter […]

Urinx/iOSAppHook: 专注于非越狱环境下iOS应用逆向研究,从dylib注入,应用重签名到App Hook

至于之后该做什么,你想干嘛就干嘛。Cycript在手,天下我有,Reveal一出,谁与争锋。你可以使用Class-dump工具dunp出应用的头文件,或者是将二进制文件拖到ida或hopper里面反汇编分析,写tweak插件,实现各种姿势抢红包等等,本文就不讨论这些了。 Source: Urinx/iOSAppHook: 专注于非越狱环境下iOS应用逆向研究,从dylib注入,应用重签名到App Hook

Citizenship for Sale | iMFdirect – The IMF Blog

A suitcase filled with multiple passports? That’s not just the stuff of spy movies anymore. Increasingly, a growing number of high-net worth individuals are looking to have a passport portfolio. This has led to a proliferation of so-called citizenship-by-investment or economic citizenship programs that allow individuals from all over the world to legitimately acquire passports. […]

Citizenship for Sale | iMFdirect – The IMF Blog

A suitcase filled with multiple passports? That’s not just the stuff of spy movies anymore. Increasingly, a growing number of high-net worth individuals are looking to have a passport portfolio. This has led to a proliferation of so-called citizenship-by-investment or economic citizenship programs that allow individuals from all over the world to legitimately acquire passports. […]


       1999年和2004年,中国先后两次剥离了银行业坏账。现在,距离上次剥离已经超过10年,银行体系里又积累了相当规模的坏账。目前,国家正在酝酿债转股,其实就是第三轮剥离。剥离的实质,其实就是通过央行发钞来解决问题,最后是货币对内的贬值。 Source: 银行业入冬!大佬自曝:出来混总是要还的天天说钱新浪博客