李克强拒见朴槿惠 韩国触怒了北京什么?_国际-多维新闻网

因此,未来的亚太地区极有可能陷入军事上的扩张-制约-反制-再扩张的恶性循环,萨德系统引发的新一轮大国军备竞赛将不可避免。美国通过部署萨德等围堵中国,用冷战的模式来消耗中国,这是非常危险的信号,也意味着中国此前在突破东北亚势力均衡上所做的努力将付诸东流。 Source: 李克强拒见朴槿惠 韩国触怒了北京什么?_国际-多维新闻网

gtank/cryptopasta: copy & paste-friendly golang crypto

Copy & paste your crypto code from here instead of Stack Overflow. This library demonstrates a suite of basic cryptography from the Go standard library. To the extent possible, it tries to hide complexity and help you avoid common mistakes. The recommendations were chosen as a compromise between cryptographic qualities, the Go standard lib, and […]

A (not so) quick primer on iOS encryption

To really understand it all, I highly recommend Apple’s iOS Security whitepaper. First released in May of 2012, with updates in October 2012, February 2014, and September 2014, the newest version (dated October 2014) includes changes to iOS 8. Also a great reference is “iPhone data protection in depth” by Jean-Baptiste Bédrune and Jean Sigwald […]

Install OS X 10.10 Yosemite in VirtualBox · frdmn’s Notes

The guide below tries to explains how to easily install Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10 in a virtual machine using VirtualBox. It’s based on this pastebin which I found via Google, adjusted to work with Yosemite. Source: Install OS X 10.10 Yosemite in VirtualBox · frdmn’s Notes

czechboy0/swiftpm-packages-statistics: Statistics about SwiftPM packages on GitHub

Question: “How many dependencies do most packages have?” Answer: “Over 50% has none, less than 25% has one and then it levels off. And yes, one package has 59 dependencies.” Comments: When observing these numbers over time, the dependency-less fraction of packages is slowly growing, which could mean that a lot of new original packages […]

Home · ssloy/tinyrenderer Wiki

In this series of articles, I want to show the way OpenGL works by writing its clone (a much simplified one). Surprisingly enough, I often meet people who cannot overcome the initial hurdle of learning OpenGL / DirectX. Thus, I have prepared a short series of lectures, after which my students show quite good renderers. […]