timsutton/osx-vm-templates: OS X templates for Packer and VeeWee.

This is a set of Packer templates and support scripts that will prepare an OS X installer media that performs an unattended install for use with Packer and VeeWee. These were originally developed for VeeWee, but support for the VeeWee template has not been maintained since Packer’s release and so it is only provided for […]

伸手就能「抓」到影中物,麻省理工發表虛實互動新技術 – Inside 硬塞的網路趨勢觀察

之前在 TED 上看過這篇的演講,演講前面還有用聲音分析震動,放大檢視的(http://www.ted.com/talks/abe_davis_new_video_technology_that_reveals_an_object_s_hidden_properties?language=en)這個Lab的研究真的很有趣,把 vibration 的分析和應用玩到極致~ Source: 伸手就能「抓」到影中物,麻省理工發表虛實互動新技術 – Inside 硬塞的網路趨勢觀察   Tiny vibrations. Zoomed.

滴滴和uber中国联姻背后的故事 – iDoNews

这些都出现在交易细节里。所以,当一场资本交易达成后,很多交易细节都已经确定,而当事方只是做了有选择性的披露。愿赌服输,在游戏规则下,即便一些核心管理团队或者投资方利益为得到满足,但白纸黑字后,他们也只能选择接受罢了。因为,还有约束性条款在制约着他们可能一时不快向媒体吐露心声。 Source: 滴滴和uber中国联姻背后的故事 – iDoNews

anishathalye/lumen: Magic auto brightness based on screen contents

Lumen will automatically brighten the screen when you’re looking at a dark window (for example, a full-screen terminal) and it’ll automatically darken the screen when you’re looking at a bright window (for example, a web browser). This makes for a much more pleasant experience, especially at night. Source: anishathalye/lumen: Magic auto brightness based on screen […]

How MapJam Is Building A Scalable Custom Maps Service – | StackShare

The raw data behind OSM — nearly 30 GBs compressed — is Open Source and free for anyone to download and explore. Once downloaded, we use the amazing Imposm 3 (“import OSM”) to parse, tag, normalize, and store it to a Postgres database with the PostGIS spatial database extension for querying geographic objects. Imposm v3 […]

Hey Siri

Hey-Siri.io is a list with many different commands for Siri in english and german Source: Hey Siri

Google is giving away the tool it uses to understand language, Parsey McParseface | The Verge

SyntaxNet is the overall framework for parsing sentences, called a “syntactic parser.” Parsey McParseface is the English language plug-in for SyntaxNet. Google claims that it can correctly identify the subjects, objects, verbs, and other grammatical building blocks of sentences as well (or, in some cases, better) as trained human linguists — achieving 94 percent accuracy […]