
现年60岁的王健林,近年与阿里巴巴创办人马云不断争夺中国首富宝座。今年3月,福布斯发布2015全球富豪榜公布,王健林以242亿美元,击败马云(227亿美元,约1,759亿港元),重夺中国首富宝座,这受益于去年底万达商业地产在港上市和今年1月万达院线A股上市,令其身家暴涨。而与王一起发达的还有中共领导人的家人。   Source: 习近平温家宝家人投资王健林生意细节曝光(图_加拿大家园网

Choose prototypes over mockups

Working prototypes offer huge benefits over mockups, and can significantly improve the designer workflow. With designs that work from day one, you can reduce back-and-forth and recapture what it is you love about design. Source: Choose prototypes over mockups

LukeW | Obvious Always Wins

What’s Important Enough to Be Visible?Because there’s not a lot of space on mobile screens, not everything can be visible in a mobile UI. This makes mobile design challenging. Unlike the desktop where big screens allow us to squeeze in every feature and function on screen, mobile requires us to make decisions: what’s important enough […]

Negotiating for Hostages, Negotiating for Business

This applies to the semantic difference between “that’s right” and “you are right”. “If you think about it in your own life, when you say ‘you’re right’ to someone, you are just trying to get them to go away,” said Voss. But following the psychologist Carl Rogers and his person-centered theories, Voss said “that’s right” […]

On The Design And Building of 1Password for Apple Watch

It all came to a head when we were on a business trip and in a meeting with a handful of individuals whose opinions we really respect. With our usual gusto we showed off 1Password for Apple Watch and…it fell flat. Out of the five people in the room with us, only one person was […]

Quote by Winston S. Churchill: “Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when ac…”

“Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong – these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history.” Source: Quote by Winston S. Churchill: “Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when […]