
Most applications show lists of content (data sets), which many turn out to be empty at one point, specially for new users with blank accounts. Empty screens create confusion by not being clear about what’s going on, if there is an error/bug or if the user is supposed to do something within your app to […]


A simple view for building card like interface like Tinder and Potluck. Source: zhxnlai/ZLSwipeableViewSwift

D3 圖表優化二三事

因為我認為 Data-Driven 是 D3.js 的核心觀念之一,在瞭解如何將資料轉為 DOM / SVG 元件以後,剩下再去讀 D3 的 API 相信也能輕易上手。 Source: Modern WebConf 2015 與我的講題:D3 圖表優化二三事 « kuro’s Blog


Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Swift Source: raulriera/TextFieldEffects