
An attempt to gather all that is in flux in Swift. A compilation or collection, if you will. Source: ksm/SwiftInFlux


Polymer is an endpoint focused networking library for Objective-C and Swift that is meant to make interaction with REST webservices simple, fast, and fun! By treating the endpoints of a webservice as objects, it makes interaction more straightforward and readable while still leveraging and simplifying some of the amazing mapping technologies we’ve grown used to […]

程序员很穷 | MacTalk-池建强的随想录

事情一般是这样的,你工作了两年,写了很多代码,伴随的是没日没夜的加班,产品上线了,产品下线了,团队出发了,团队解散了,然后你会感到疲惫,生活没有希望,这样的日子什么时候是个头啊!你看了看破旧的 ThinkPad,对自己说,要不要买个 Mac 试试?然后你就有了一个 Mac,你突然发现了一个新世界,充满阳光和雨露,原来操作系统可以设计成这样……于是你觉得每过一段时间就需要阳光和雨露。你开始购买正版软件,不管多贵。你开始学习移动开发,你发现你需要两部手机,因为 iOS 和 Android 平台都值得学习。于是你有了一部 iPhone 和一部 Smartisan T1,后来你又有了 iPad 和 Kindle,然后很多硬件和软件都升级了,你有了好几台 Mac,移动的,台式的,好几部手机、平板和电子阅读器,一代的,二代的,好几代的。你的女朋友很迷惑(如果你已经有了女朋友),她会问,你买那么多手机、电脑和其他乱七八糟的东西干嘛?不都一样用嘛。你觉得很难解释,就说:你看这个新款有指纹识别功能,还有这个,从这边划入,就可以进行分屏操作……然后你的女朋友白了你一眼,默默的用你的信用卡刷了一个 LV 的包。 Source: 程序员很穷 | MacTalk-池建强的随想录

Inspiring Boards (inspiringboards) | Trello

A collection of boards to inspire new and creative uses of Trello in both your personal and work life. All of these boards can be copied and used as a jumping off point for projects of your own. Source: (3) Inspiring Boards (inspiringboards) | Trello

Swift语言指南 By @SwiftLanguage

这份指南汇集了 Swift 语言主流学习资源,并以开发者的视角整理编排。 Swift Language Guide, collection of resources in Chinese. Source: Swift语言指南 By @SwiftLanguage


Automatically extract body content (and other cool stuff) from an html document. NodeJS. Source: ageitgey/node-unfluff

DB Browser for SQLite

DB Browser for SQLite is a high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite. Source: DB Browser for SQLite