The Utopian UI Architect — re:form — Medium
When Bret Victor came in for his first day of work as a “Human Interface Inventor” at Apple, he found an iPad sitting on his desk. It was August of 2007. The original iPhone was only a couple months old. iPods still generated a third of the company’s revenue. The App Store didn’t exist. Source: […]
Combine Image File and Audio File Into Video – avconv / ffmpeg
I wanted to figure out a way to quickly and easily combine an image file (jpg) and audio file (mp3) into a video file (mov) using the free media converter tool ffmpeg. This would allow me to upload my podcast episodes and songs to YouTube. After extensive googling and testing I found the combination that […]
How to bridge a React Native View Component (for fun and gifs)
Unless you’re willing to dig into how to bridge existing native code into React Native, you’re just going to sit on a gold mine of Native Components. Source: How to bridge a React Native View Component (for fun and gifs)
The problem isn’t that life is unfair – Business Insider
Unless you’re winning, most of life will seem hideously unfair to you.Oliver EmbertonThe truth is, life is just playing by different rules. Source: The problem isn’t that life is unfair – Business Insider
Must See JavaScript Dev Tools That Put Other Dev Tools to Shame — JavaScript Scene — Medium
“JavaScript sucks for large apps because it can’t even identify the type of a variable, and it sucks for refactoring.” ~… A complete workflow for developing JS apps. Source: Must See JavaScript Dev Tools That Put Other Dev Tools to Shame — JavaScript Scene — Medium
专访 YYKit 作者 Ibireme: 开源大牛是怎样炼成的 – 唐巧的技术博客
我们处在一个信息爆炸的时代,每一天都有大量的 iOS 开发文章出现,我们对这些文章如饥似渴,但是很多时候又浅尝辄止。像 ibireme 这样,专心阅读几个开源项目,然后自己动手真正实践,或许才是正确的学习方式。 Source: 专访 YYKit 作者 Ibireme: 开源大牛是怎样炼成的 – 唐巧的技术博客
MarkdownTextView is an iOS framework for adding rich Markdown editing capabilities. Support for Markdown syntax is implemented inside an easily extensible NSTextStorage subclass, with a UITextView subclass being provided for convenience. Source: indragiek/MarkdownTextView
React Native Package Manager built to ease your daily React Native development. Inspired by Cocoapods, fastlane and react-native link it acts as your best friend and guides you through the native unknowns. It aims to work with almost all packages available with no extra configuration required. Source: rnpm/rnpm
Web Debugging Proxy based on Chrome DevTools Network panel. A command line alternative to Charles proxy Source: kdzwinel/betwixt
A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces. A library for creating CLI tools Source: SBoudrias/Inquirer.js