基於 Least Squares 室內定位方法 « KitSprout
室內定位是我的碩士研究題目,目前主要是使用藍牙 4.0(Bluetooth Low Energy, BLE)裝置抓取接收的訊號強度來實現室內定位的功能,為什麼我會選擇 BLE 而不使用 Zigbee 是或 WI-FI 呢?其實在工業上因為 Zigbee 的組網能力具有很大的優勢,這點是 BLE 無法比較的,但 Bluetooth 在民間普及程度遠高於 Zigbee(從 Nokia 時代手機上就有 Bluetooth 了),功耗上也遠低於 WI-FI,加上 Nrdic nRF51 系列的出現,因採用 ARM CrtexM0,支援已經習慣的 Keil MDK 開發環境,所以就果斷選擇藍牙陣營了,相信在 BLE 之後,藍牙仍會不斷的壯大阿。 Indoor positioning. Source: 基於 Least Squares 室內定位方法 « KitSprout
Random hack: translate in bulk using Google Sheets. https://t.co/FZjw7xvCJL”
Cardboard VR – Lonely Nights
这基本上应该是最经济方便的体验VR的方式了。Cardboard支持很多大屏幕手机,我用的iPhone 6没有问题。用的时候需要凑近镜片去看屏幕。因为近视的关系,我起初比较担心戴着眼镜看不是很方便,实际上把眼镜摘了也看得很清楚。因为其实看到的不是真的3D…屏幕就在眼前不远,不是上千度的近视的话,当然应该看得清楚。 Source: Cardboard VR – Lonely Nights
This simple negotiation tactic brought 195 countries to consensus – Quartz
An indaba is designed to allow every party to voice its opinion, but still arrive at a consensus quickly. It works because opinions and arguments can only be aired in a particular way:Instead of repeating stated positions, each party is encouraged to speak personally and state their “red lines,” which are thresholds that they don’t […]
List of Parse SDK limits, downsides of Parse from experience | Profico
In this blog post I would like to point out all those limits, and as developers you will probably understand our problems. Basically project was working quite fine while we were building the system. We had quite experienced developers working on the platform (like we always do with new technologies), the code was well organized, […]
Swift 2 Error Handling: From Objective-C to Swift and Back — iOS & Swift Development Notes — Medium
How to handle errors in pure Swift and hybrid Swift/Objective-C projects Source: Swift 2 Error Handling: From Objective-C to Swift and Back — iOS & Swift Development Notes — Medium
New Manager Resources « Accidentally in Code
A collection of some of the things I’ve found most helpful for becoming a manager. Source: New Manager Resources « Accidentally in Code
Introducing d3-shape — Medium
Regardless of the approach you chose, to implement your tool, you’ll need to actually draw something to the screen. And that means generating geometric shapes that represent data. Source: Introducing d3-shape — Medium
Choosing an HTTP Status Code — Stop Making It Hard | Racksburg
What complicates matters is that the official HTTP/1.1 guidelines — the RFC — was originally written in 1997.† That’s the year you went surfing the cyberweb in Netscape Navigator on your 33.6kbps modem. It’s a little like trying to apply Sun Tzu’s Art of War to modern business strategy. Timeless advice, to be sure, but […]
Charting in Mobile Apps | shinobicontrols whitepaper
Today we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new white paper; Style and Substance in Mobile Retail Banking: charting in mobile apps. Source: Charting in Mobile Apps | shinobicontrols whitepaper