
MarkdownTextView is an iOS framework for adding rich Markdown editing capabilities. Support for Markdown syntax is implemented inside an easily extensible NSTextStorage subclass, with a UITextView subclass being provided for convenience. Source: indragiek/MarkdownTextView


React Native Package Manager built to ease your daily React Native development. Inspired by Cocoapods, fastlane and react-native link it acts as your best friend and guides you through the native unknowns. It aims to work with almost all packages available with no extra configuration required. Source: rnpm/rnpm


Web Debugging Proxy based on Chrome DevTools Network panel. A command line alternative to Charles proxy Source: kdzwinel/betwixt


A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces. A library for creating CLI tools Source: SBoudrias/Inquirer.js


 大数据是以容量大、类型多、存取速度快、应用价值高为主要特征的数据集合,正快速发展为对数量巨大、来源分散、格式多样的数据进行采集、存储和关联分析,从中发现新知识、创造新价值、提升新能力的新一代信息技术和服务业态。 Source: 国务院关于印发促进大数据发展行动纲要的通知_政府信息公开专栏

The Story Behind the New | Developer Resources

We’d asked ourselves this question before, and had our fair share of initiatives that didn’t result in useful change. Looking back, we were able to pinpoint our biggest mistakes: we’d been starting with a muddy vision, and were trying to solve an ill-defined problem. These insights really helped us change our approach. Source: The Story […]


Scan the MRZ code of a passport and extract the firstname, lastname, passport number, nationality, date of birth, expiration date and personal numer. Source: evermeer/PassportScanner


Do you have a GitHub project that is too big for people to subscribe to all the notifications? The mention bot will automatically mention potential reviewers on pull requests. It helps getting faster turnaround on pull requests by involving the right people early on. Source: facebook/mention-bot