Space Elevator
Welcome to the space elevator, the only elevator that goes to space. As you climb, the temperature will continue to drop. Cirrus clouds are wispy clouds made out of ice crystals. Cirrocumulus are patchy clouds that can blanket the sky. Cumulonimbus are tall, towering clouds that can produce lightning, tornadoes, and hail. Pigeon Mil V-12 […]
Why the Brain’s Connections to the Body Are Crisscrossed | Quanta Magazine
Neurons that make connections between the brain and the body are organized to create a virtual map in the cerebral cortex Source: Why the Brain’s Connections to the Body Are Crisscrossed | Quanta Magazine
How I Used Stable Diffusion and Dreambooth to Create A Painted Portrait of My Dog
In this post, we walk through my entire workflow/process for bringing Stable Diffusion to life as a high-quality framed art print. We’ll touch on making art with Dreambooth, Stable Diffusion, Outpainting, Inpainting, Upscaling, preparing for print with Photoshop, and finally printing on fine-art paper with an Epson XP-15000 printer. Source: How I Used Stable Diffusion […]
U.S. and China wage war beneath the waves – over internet cables
Source: U.S. and China wage war beneath the waves – over internet cables Maps of global underwater internet cables.
个人笔记-《高级数据结构》 | 小猪的博客
Source: 个人笔记-《高级数据结构》 | 小猪的博客
iOS逆向&iOS字体Fallback&游戏汉化 | 小猪的博客
不过对于动态分析工具以及Hook系统调用来说,这些都是没有用的……归根结底还是建议要确保iOS客户端,尽量少保留敏感信息,对服务端API设置Auth,SSL验证等手段,才能减少被逆向者获取信息的可能性。 Source: iOS逆向&iOS字体Fallback&游戏汉化 | 小猪的博客
Core Animation 3D仿射变换知识 | 小猪的博客
iOS设备上,是按照左手系的三维空间,即正面面对设备屏幕,坐标原点从屏幕左上方起,x轴指向右方,y轴指向下方,z轴为屏幕指向眼球。而macOS上是右手系,原点是屏幕左下角,x轴指向右方,y轴指向上方(相反),z轴同样为屏幕指向眼球,要注意 Source: Core Animation 3D仿射变换知识 | 小猪的博客
2016年末总结和近期感想 | 小猪的博客
来到头条这边也刚刚好一个月了把。这期间最大的感触,就是自己的工作和产品将会面对的是上千万级别的日活用户,而且不同于之前的实习那样一人负责非常小的业务,看看需求,写写代码,测试简单过一遍,直接就git提上去了。在这里,整个工作流都是有专门有PM跟,并且开发都是自己checkout分支不断merge,节奏更是快了不少。提测流程也是更加的严格,因为现在你开发的产品不再是发展启蒙阶段的不完成品,一个需求如果不能覆盖好完整的边界情况,宁愿不要这个功能,也不能带着一点侥幸心理上线。在千万级别使用量的冲击下,任何情况都可能发生。因此一定要做好特殊情况的处理。 Source: 2016年末总结和近期感想 | 小猪的博客
The New Normal – Mitchell Hashimoto
By the age of 14, I started a business with a friend from this BBS — that I had never met in person — creating web game cheats and selling them to people for $25/month. I made over $400 per month as a freshman in high school, felt fabulously wealthy, and continued this until I […]
如何看待2017年阿里法拍房9000套截止2021年4月上升到143万套? – 知乎
Source: 如何看待2017年阿里法拍房9000套截止2021年4月上升到143万套? – 知乎