Notes for setting up a Ghost blog on Docker, with Dropbox backup

Blog server provisioning DigitalOcean: Docker One-Click image Install docker-compose Follow [this tutorial] to get ghost up and running mkdir ghost # install docker-compose binary # Follow the turorial. Relevant scripts: $ wget $ unzip “content/*” $ rm -f nano docker-compose.yml # paste the following blog: image: ghost command: npm start volumes: – […]

GeekyAnts/NativeBase: The missing piece of React Native

Get on the mobile fast track with NativeBase, the fastest-growing platform and tool set for iOS and Android development. Get an introduction to NativeBase and work through an instance application that highlights React Native programming techniques. Source: GeekyAnts/NativeBase: The missing piece of React Native


1815年6月18日,在比利时布鲁塞尔近郊展开的滑铁卢之战,不仅是拿破仑与威灵顿两人之战,也是成千上万投资者的赌博。如果英国败了英国的公债的价格将跌进深渊;如果英国胜了,英国公债将冲上云霄。 正当两只大军进行殊死搏斗时,罗斯柴尔德家族早在十年前建立的战略情报收集和快递系统发挥了作用。傍晚时分,当格鲁希元帅错失战机在战场外游荡,普鲁士军队与威灵顿的大军会合击溃拿破仑时,一个名叫罗斯伍兹的罗斯柴尔德快信传递员亲眼目睹了战况,他立刻骑快马奔向布鲁塞尔然后转往奥斯坦德港。当罗斯伍兹跳上了一艘具有特别通行证的罗斯柴尔德快船时已经是深夜时分。这时英吉利海峡风急浪高在付了 2 000 法郎的费用之后他终于找到了一个水手连夜帮他渡过了海峡。当他于 6月19日 清晨到达英国福克斯顿的岸边时,内森·罗斯柴尔德亲自等候在那里。内森快速打开信封浏览了战报标题然后策马直奔伦敦的股票交易所。 Source: 简单梳理fintech的历史,与fintech行业内的玩家_36氪

Porkopolis: Theory of Wisdom

Having looked at wonder, thought, meaning and the dynamic of inquiry through the lens of neural science, it’s worth considering the elusive psychological dynamic of wisdom. Source: Porkopolis: Theory of Wisdom

tensorflow/models: Models built with TensorFlow

This repository contains machine learning models implemented in TensorFlow. The models are maintained by their respective authors. Source: tensorflow/models: Models built with TensorFlow

Apple Watch and Diabetes️ WatchAware

Tim Bajarin has a fantastic piece over at Techpinions on his experience using the Apple Watch with the Dexecom 5 diabetes monitor. In his piece, he discusses the benefits of the Apple Watch when paired with the Dexecom sensor. Source: Apple Watch and Diabetes️ WatchAware