One App’s Poison

This is the true story of the app that was fixed by a crash. We travel back to join fish mid-debugging: I’m dumbfounded. The thread is just gone. And not just any thread: the main thread. Source: One App’s Poison

GitHub – leandromoreira/linux-network-performance-parameters: Learn where some of the network sysctl variables fit into the Linux/Kernel network flow. Translations: 🇷🇺

This brief tutorial shows where some of the most used and quoted sysctl/network parameters are located into the Linux network flow, it was heavily inspired by the illustrated guide to Linux networking stack and many of Marek Majkowski’s posts. Source: GitHub – leandromoreira/linux-network-performance-parameters: Learn where some of the network sysctl variables fit into the Linux/Kernel […]

Keeping Figma Fast | Figma Blog

As we iterated on FigJam in the early days, we’d fix issues reactively, in response to customer reports or changes in production metrics. But we knew there was a better way. With the help of our new testing framework, we wrote tests covering the majority of essential user flows, and automatically found issues before they […]

High-speed AI Drone | | UZH

In a milestone for artificial intelligence (AI), the AI system “Swift”, designed by UZH researchers, has beaten the world champions in drone racing – a result that seemed unattainable just a few years ago. The AI-piloted drone was trained in a simulated environment. Real-world applications include environmental monitoring or disaster response. Source: High-speed AI Drone […]

MagicEdit: High-Fidelity Temporally Coherent Video Editing

Video stylization enables one to (1) transform the source video into a new video with a style-of- interest (e.g., realistic, cartoon), or (2) creating a new scene with different subject (e.g., dog → cat) and different background (e.g., living room → beach). Source: MagicEdit: High-Fidelity Temporally Coherent Video Editing

Microsoft is bringing Python to Excel | Hacker News

7+ years ago I had the option of leaving the Excel team. My then boss’s boss knew I had an interest in bringing Python to Excel and offered me a chance to tackle it if I chose to stay. What was meant to be a 6 month project turned into a ~3 year project, the […]

Shit life syndrome – Wikipedia

Shit life syndrome (SLS) is a phrase used by physicians in the United Kingdom and the United States for the effect that a variety of poverty or abuse-induced disorders can have on patients. Source: Shit life syndrome – Wikipedia