How SAML Authentication Works

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based framework for authentication and authorization between two entities: a Service Provider and an Identity Provider. The Service Provider agrees to trust the Identity Provider to authenticate users. In return, the Identity provider generates an authentication assertion, which indicates that a user has been authenticated. Source: How SAML […]

Running Python in Xcode: Step by Step — Erica Sadun

As I’m preparing for a project that will involve Python programming, I need to get up to speed with at least a basic level of Python mastery. However, I’m not a big fan of using the interactive Python REPL, or whatever it is actually called: Source: Running Python in Xcode: Step by Step — Erica […]

Swift By Emoji: A considered approach — Erica Sadun

It wasn’t written in Swift and certainly wasn’t running in Swift. I decided to play around: I built a playground, assigning massive lists of emoji strings to emoji variables, and got these examples running properly using Swift syntax. Source: Swift By Emoji: A considered approach — Erica Sadun

srez/ at master · david-gpu/srez

Image super-resolution through deep learning. This project uses deep learning to upscale 16×16 images by a 4x factor. The resulting 64×64 images display sharp features that are plausible based on the dataset that was used to train the neural net. Source: srez/ at master · david-gpu/srez

diwi/PixelFlow: A Processing/Java library for high performance GPU-Computing (GLSL). Fluid Simulation + SoftBody Dynamics + Optical Flow + Image Processing + Particle Systems + Physics +…

A Processing/Java library for high performance GPU-Computing (GLSL). Fluid Simulation + SoftBody Dynamics + Optical Flow + Image Processing + Particle Systems + Physics +… Source: diwi/PixelFlow: A Processing/Java library for high performance GPU-Computing (GLSL). Fluid Simulation + SoftBody Dynamics + Optical Flow + Image Processing + Particle Systems + Physics +…


近年来,我国企业杠杆率高企,债务规模增长过快,企业债务负担不断加重。在国际经济环境更趋复杂、我国经济下行压力仍然较大的背景下,一些企业经营困难加剧,一定程度上导致债务风险上升。为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于推进供给侧结构性改革、重点做好“三去一降一补”工作的决策部署,促进建立和完善现代企业制度,增强经济中长期发展韧性,现就积极稳妥降低企业杠杆率(以下简称降杠杆)提出以下意见。 Source: 国务院关于积极稳妥降低企业杠杆率的意见_政府信息公开专栏