Matthew Massicotte – The Bleeding Edge of Swift Concurrency – YouTube
Swift Concurrency is all about succinct, safe code. Yet, it comes with a surprising amount of subtly and new pitfalls. It’s actually quite easy to accidentally introduce races and hangs. Learn about bringing async/await and actors into your code without the pain.
试过GPT-4V后,微软写了个166页的测评报告,业内人士:高级用户必读 – 华尔街见闻
这篇由微软撰写的报告,深入研究了GPT-4V的功能,任何想要探索GPT-4V潜力的人,都值得一读。 Source: 试过GPT-4V后,微软写了个166页的测评报告,业内人士:高级用户必读 – 华尔街见闻
Midjourney for Architects: from prompt to visualization – Evermotion
When a user enters a textual query into Midjourney’s text-to-image generator, the AI searches its “training images” for a certain set of results. Then, these photos can be expanded or regenerated. It is a very helpful tool for exploring architectural concepts, particularly early on in a project or later on when examining particular aspects of […]
Apple Vision Pro (Part 3) – Why It May Be Lousy for Watching Movies On a Plane – KGOnTech
First, the eye only has high resolution in the fovea, which covers only ~2°. The eye goes through a series of movements and fixations known as saccades. What a person “sees” results from the human vision system piecing together a series of “snapshots” at each saccade. The saccadic movement is a function of the activity […]
当今社会各行各业都充满着竞争,为此各个公司也都在拼命加班以保持在市场中的地位。但是仍有一些神仙公司在保持着955的工作模式,本文详细整理了几家这样的神仙公司,快来看看都是哪些公司上榜了吧。 Source: 955工作制,神仙公司名单!
[2309.04902] Transformers in Small Object Detection: A Benchmark and Survey of State-of-the-Art
Source: [2309.04902] Transformers in Small Object Detection: A Benchmark and Survey of State-of-the-Art A comprehensive survey and guide for applying ML object detection to various industrial applications.
Michael Tsai – Blog – Objective-C Internals
Get ready to dive deep into the inner workings of the Objective-C language and runtime! Each post delves into a specific aspect of the language and explores the details of its implementation. I hope you’ll find this valuable to demystify the language, tackle tricky bugs, and optimize your code for performance. Source: Michael Tsai – […]
A retiring consultant’s advice on consultants | Hacker News
In short: The people you’re talking to aren’t the people who are doing the actual work, The people who are doing the work have no industry experience And the numbers they’re basing their analysis on are probably whatever they found on google. Source: A retiring consultant’s advice on consultants | Hacker News – Can LLMs learn from a single example?
The only thing that we have come up with (so far!) that fully explains this picture is that the hypothesis is correct: the model is rapidly learning to recognise examples even just seeing them once. Let’s work through each part of the loss curve in turn… Source: – Can LLMs learn from a single […]
So you want to modify the text of a PDF by hand (qpdf)· GitHub
If you, like me, resent every dollar spent on commercial PDF tools, you might want to know how to change the text content of a PDF without having to pay for Adobe Acrobat or another PDF tool. I didn’t see an obvious open-source tool that lets you dig into PDF internals, but I did discover […]