中国历史上有有武庙四圣十哲七十二将,国外有类似的概念吗? – 知乎
洋人那边还真搞过“武庙XX将”这种东西,至少和中国武庙性质差不多吧。 Source: 中国历史上有有武庙四圣十哲七十二将,国外有类似的概念吗? – 知乎
当你是动物饲养员,5只猴子只有四根香蕉分时,应该怎么办? – 知乎
做成香蕉汁,平均分给这些猴子,然后告诉这些猴子,明天的香蕉还没有着落,咱们吃完得去摘香蕉,以后还要栽香蕉树,长更多的香蕉,然后去卖香蕉、做香蕉沙拉、水果捞、香蕉汁、香蕉饼,慢慢脱贫走向小康最后共同富裕。 Source: 当你是动物饲养员,5只猴子只有四根香蕉分时,应该怎么办? – 知乎 Neat satirical essay!
Ask HN: What do you talk about in 1-on-1s with your managers? | Hacker News
Source: Ask HN: What do you talk about in 1-on-1s with your managers? | Hacker News
Anglish is a kind of English which prefers native words over those borrowed from foreign languages. Anglish is linguistic purism applied to English. Source: Anglish
Xfennec/progress: Linux tool to show progress for cp, mv, dd, … (formerly known as cv)
It simply scans /proc for interesting commands*, and then looks at directories fd and fdinfo to find opened files and seek positions, and reports status for the largest file. It’s very light and compatible with virtually any command. Source: Xfennec/progress: Linux tool to show progress for cp, mv, dd, … (formerly known as cv)
The DIY technique involves water pumped down the center of a PVC schedule 40 pipe used as both a drill stem and a drill bit. At the bottom end of the PVC pipe a “drill bit” is fashioned by cutting teeth into the end of the PVC pipe. The pipe is rotated back and forth […]
有哪些国产的EDA工具? – 知乎
根据与非研究院的统计,目前国内共有22家企业从事EDA工具的研发,按区域分布来看,集中度较高,排第一第二的是典型发达的北上两城,北京6家、上海9家,其它广东省1家、江苏省2家,浙江省1家、山东省1家、四川省1家、天津1家,这些省市中除了北京、四川以外,基本都分布在沿海一带。 Source: 有哪些国产的EDA工具? – 知乎
A Visual Guide to SSH Tunnels: Local and Remote Port Forwarding
Source: A Visual Guide to SSH Tunnels: Local and Remote Port Forwarding
The Beauty of Semaphores in Swift 🚦 | by Roy Kronenfeld | Medium
Understand how Semaphores work Source: The Beauty of Semaphores in Swift 🚦 | by Roy Kronenfeld | Medium
Exploiting the iPhone 4, Part 1: Gaining Entry | Phillip Tennen
One aspect of the jailbreak scene that always seemed like black magic to me, though, was the process of jailbreaking itself. The prospect is pretty remarkable: take any off-the-shelf iPhone, then enact obscene rituals and recite eldritch incantations until the shackles drop away. The OS will now allow you to run any code you point […]