当你是动物饲养员,5只猴子只有四根香蕉分时,应该怎么办? – 知乎

做成香蕉汁,平均分给这些猴子,然后告诉这些猴子,明天的香蕉还没有着落,咱们吃完得去摘香蕉,以后还要栽香蕉树,长更多的香蕉,然后去卖香蕉、做香蕉沙拉、水果捞、香蕉汁、香蕉饼,慢慢脱贫走向小康最后共同富裕。 Source: 当你是动物饲养员,5只猴子只有四根香蕉分时,应该怎么办? – 知乎 Neat satirical essay!


Anglish is a kind of English which prefers native words over those borrowed from foreign languages. Anglish is linguistic purism applied to English. Source: Anglish


The DIY technique involves water pumped down the center of a PVC schedule 40 pipe used as both a drill stem and a drill bit.  At the bottom end of the PVC pipe a “drill bit” is fashioned by cutting teeth into the end of the PVC pipe.  The pipe is rotated back and forth […]

有哪些国产的EDA工具? – 知乎

根据与非研究院的统计,目前国内共有22家企业从事EDA工具的研发,按区域分布来看,集中度较高,排第一第二的是典型发达的北上两城,北京6家、上海9家,其它广东省1家、江苏省2家,浙江省1家、山东省1家、四川省1家、天津1家,这些省市中除了北京、四川以外,基本都分布在沿海一带。 Source: 有哪些国产的EDA工具? – 知乎

Exploiting the iPhone 4, Part 1: Gaining Entry | Phillip Tennen

One aspect of the jailbreak scene that always seemed like black magic to me, though, was the process of jailbreaking itself. The prospect is pretty remarkable: take any off-the-shelf iPhone, then enact obscene rituals and recite eldritch incantations until the shackles drop away. The OS will now allow you to run any code you point […]