后边会大体总结下面试的经验感悟,以及我认为要注重的内容,一家之言仅供参考。 Source: 聊一聊国内大模型公司,面试心得和感受
unusual_whales on X: “Want to see a crazy trade? Yesterday, someone OPENED $SPLK 127 calls, for $22,000, expiring tomorrow. Then today Cisco Systems $CSCO announced acquiring Splunk for $28B, $SPLK up 20%. The contracts were $0.04 yesterday, now $18.30. Th
The contracts were $0.04 yesterday, now $18.30.
Solar · Patrick Collison
Solar deployment is now running at about $500 billion per year, which means that about 0.5% of global GDP is being spent on solar deployment. This figure is up an improbable 43% Y/Y. Source: Solar · Patrick Collison
An Interactive Intro to CRDTs | jakelazaroff.com
In this series, we’ll learn what a CRDT is. Then we’ll write a primitive CRDT, compose it into more complex data structures, and finally use what we’ve learned to build a collaborative pixel art editor. All of this assumes no prior knowledge about CRDTs, and only a rudimentary knowledge of TypeScript. Source: An Interactive Intro […]
Startup-CTO-Handbook/StartupCTOHandbook.md at main · ZachGoldberg/Startup-CTO-Handbook
Source: Startup-CTO-Handbook/StartupCTOHandbook.md at main · ZachGoldberg/Startup-CTO-Handbook
Swift Concurrency – Things They Don’t Tell You
Don’t assume that the actor prevents data races. The actor only guarantees that two pieces of code won’t run at the same time, but still, methods can be switched back and forth without any guarantee that the asynchronous method will be fully processed before calling another method. Source: Swift Concurrency – Things They Don’t Tell […]
Animated AI
I’m creating animations and instructional videos about neural networks. Check out my Patreon and YouTube channel! Source: Animated AI
Reflect – Multiplayer web app framework with game-style synchronization | Hacker News
The local-first/realtime space is getting busy these days. Replicache/Reflect is well worth checking out for the beautifully simple data model / coding model. I’m very happy with it. Source: Reflect – Multiplayer web app framework with game-style synchronization | Hacker News
Interactive map of Linux kernel
Source: Interactive map of Linux kernel
Homemade Semiconductor
In 2018 I made the first lithographically fabricated integrated circuits in my garage fab. I was a senior in high school when I made the Z1 amplifier, and now I’m a senior in college so there are some long overdue improvements to the amateur silicon process.