Thomas Roccia :verified:: “🤯 The level of sophistication …” – Infosec Exchange
The level of sophistication of the XZ attack is very impressive! I tried to make sense of the analysis in a single page (which was quite complicated)! Source: Thomas Roccia :verified:: “🤯 The level of sophistication …” – Infosec Exchange
The Worst Website in the Entire World | Hacker News
This is literally enterprise software in a nutshell. If you’ve ever wondered what the “Enterprise Application Server v21.5™ now with AI, Chatbots, LDAP, Active Directory Integration, Orchestration, and Web 3.0” experience looks like, this is it. Source: The Worst Website in the Entire World | Hacker News
Adobe Photoshop Source Code – CHM
When brothers Thomas and John Knoll began designing and writing an image editing program in the late 1980s, they could not have imagined that they would be adding a word to the dictionary. Source: Adobe Photoshop Source Code – CHM
Machine Unlearning in 2024 – Ken Ziyu Liu – Stanford Computer Science
As our ML models today become larger and their (pre-)training sets grow to inscrutable sizes, people are increasingly interested in the concept of machine unlearning to edit away undesired things like private data, stale knowledge, copyrighted materials, toxic/unsafe content, dangerous capabilities, and misinformation, without retraining models from scratch. Source: Machine Unlearning in 2024 – Ken […]
28~7nm 技术节点光刻成像误差容限更小,因此先进计算光刻必须建立“矢量”光刻成像理论、非零误差、多目标、全视场成像理论,以及先进、快速的算法。先进计算光刻可获得更加匹配实际光刻系统所需的光源和掩模结构,减少工艺迭代周期,最终实现高分辨、大焦深、高保真的光刻成像。 Source: 北理工李艳秋教授团队《先进计算光刻》出版|掩模|光学|偏振|记者|小说家|量子计算机|李艳秋(主播)_网易订阅
FireChat was a tool for revolution. Then it disappeared.
FireChat is gone because FireChat was a threat to the systems it circumvented. Source: FireChat was a tool for revolution. Then it disappeared.
VASA-1 – Microsoft Research
VASA, a framework for generating lifelike talking faces of virtual characters with appealing visual affective skills (VAS), given a single static image and a speech audio clip. Source: VASA-1 – Microsoft Research
Michael Tsai – Blog – The Alternative Implementation Problem
What I’ve concluded, based on experience, is that positioning your project as an alternative implementation of something is a losing proposition. It doesn’t matter how smart you are. It doesn’t matter how hard you work. The problem is, when you build an alternative implementation, you’ve made yourself subject to the whims of the canonical implementation. […]
Woodworking as an escape from the absurdity of software
You know the drill, sometimes the world of software development feels so absurd that you just want to buy a hundred alpaca and sell some wool socks and forget about solving conflicts in package.json for the rest of your life. Source: Woodworking as an escape from the absurdity of software
Learn C# in Y Minutes
Source: Learn C# in Y Minutes C# (C-Sharp) crash course