Why choose async/await over threads? | Hacker News

Multi-threaded async/await gets ugly. If you have serious compute-bound sections, the model tends to break down, because you’re effectively blocking a thread that you share with others. Compute-bound multi-threaded does not work as well in Rust as it should. Problems include – Futex congestion collapse. – Starvation of unfair mutexes. Source: Why choose async/await over […]

Linux Crisis Tools

When you have an outage caused by a performance issue, you don’t want to lose precious time just to install the tools needed to diagnose it. Here is a list of “crisis tools” I recommend installing on your Linux servers by default (if they aren’t already), along with the (Ubuntu) package names that they come […]

How to Start Google

The companies at the Google end of the continuum are called startups when they’re young. The reason I know about them is that my wife Jessica and I started something called Y Combinator that is basically a startup factory. Since 2005, Y Combinator has funded over 4000 startups. So we know exactly what you need […]

Suspicious discontinuities (2020) | Hacker News

I went to school at a relatively late age and started in community college. The school/state had a policy where any independent income earners making less than 35,000/year would not pay tuition. A single dollar over that would require paying full tuition of ~$60/unit or about $750 a semester. One year I worked a little […]

Leaving LinkedIn | Hacker News

My career lesson is that being right isn’t the hard part of being a senior staff engineer. Being right isn’t enough. It’s building alignment across the entire org towards the right solution. That’s the hard valuable problem that I’m paid to solve. Source: Leaving LinkedIn | Hacker News

The SwiftUI Field Guide

We built this website to visually explain how the SwiftUI layout system works Source: The SwiftUI Field Guide