
∞ is a UITableView for the web: it speeds up scrolling through long lists and keeps your infinite feeds smooth and stable for your users. It is small, battle-tested, and highly performant. The code is hosted on Github, and distributed under the BSD License. The annotated source is available, as are demos both with Infinity […] | Structuring large three.js applications with amd-three.js

amd-three.js is meant as a starting point for more involved projects involving three.js, where having all the code in one file can quickly get unwieldy. It is also useful for prototyping, as a lot of the boilerplate is moved out of your way. Source: | Structuring large three.js applications with amd-three.js

Advanced usage of A360 View and Data API

On Oct 9th 2015, the conference called Autodesk University Japan was held in Tokyo, and Akatuka-san who is working for Mozilla japan and I gave a talk about WoT using A360 View-and-Data-API, which is a Web service by Autodesk. Source: Advanced usage of A360 View and Data API

Your Brain Is Hardwired to Snap

Stress is often a major factor in snapping. The threshold for pulling all nine of the LIFEMORTS triggers is lowered when you’re under stress. So if you’re held up in traffic and suddenly enraged—ask yourself why am I angry? Anger is an emotion preparing you to fight. It comes when the threat detection mechanism in […]