
而在我国现行实践中,银行调整资产负债更多还是为了规避监管。我国监管层对银行施行了一系列监管措施,包括规定存贷比、合意信贷规模、资本充足率、不良率等指标。任何基于会计科目的监管都有被操纵的可能。银行通过资产负债调整,将部分信贷资产包装成非信贷资产、高风险权重的资产包装成低风险权重资产、甚至将资产调出资产负债表外,从而达到美化监管指标的目的。这种出表需求就相对不那么合理,但又是商业银行追逐盈利的天性的反映。 Source: 这些年银行资产出表游戏都怎么玩的?-华尔街见闻

大脑词汇地图——4月27日最新自然封面文章 – 神经科学 – 知乎专栏

昨天晚上国内的诸位在睡觉的时候,《自然》放了个大招。伯克利的一群人把常用词汇所对应的大脑区域给画出来了。换句话说,这就是个大脑词典的雏形! 你觉得我们离读心术还会远吗? 我也是刚刚无意刷到最新封面研究的配套视频 《The Brain Dictionary》(不过我觉得还是翻译成「大脑词汇地图」更为贴切)。太酷了。太酷了。太酷了。 作者:赵思家 链接:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/20814820 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 Source: 大脑词汇地图——4月27日最新自然封面文章 – 神经科学 – 知乎专栏

The brain dictionary – YouTube

Where exactly are the words in your head? Scientists have created an interactive map showing which brain areas respond to hearing different words. The map reveals how language is spread throughout the cortex and across both hemispheres, showing groups of words clustered together by meaning. The beautiful interactive model allows us to explore the complex […]

Tackling China’s Debt Problem: Can Debt-Equity Conversions Help? | iMFdirect – The IMF Blog

Thus, getting the design right is critical: Debt-equity conversions should convert debt only of viable firms in the context of operational restructuring plans for the firms (which may include changing management), at fair value, and with banks holding the equity for a limited period only. NPL securitization should encompass a diversified pool of NPLs, with banks keeping […]

Brain: Mapping the vocabulary over the brain cortex

Semantic maps Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure brain activity in seven people while they listened to more than 2 hours of stories from The Moth Radio Hour. This data was used to estimate voxel-wise models that predict brain activity in each voxel (volumetric pixel) based on the meaning of the words […]

Inevitability in technology — Benedict Evans

A good example is Waterloo – Napoleon Bonaparte really could have won, and it was very close. He wouldn’t have needed completely different circumstances, just a few different decisions over the previous few days. There was no inevitability to his defeat. But if he had won, what then? Would he have been able to reach […]