A Sane Reference for TargetConditionals – carpeaqua

I’ve spent the past couple days cleaning up some code to work on iOS, macOS, and watchOS. One thing I constantly struggle with is keeping the values I need from TargetConditionals.h in my head for when I want to #if branch a segment of Objective-C code for a specific platform. Source: A Sane Reference for […]

How to spy on a Ruby program – Julia Evans

I love debugging tools. One of the most frustrating things to me is — when I run a Ruby or Python program, I can’t find out what that program is doing RIGHT NOW. Ruby dark magic. Source: How to spy on a Ruby program – Julia Evans

A Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms

In this post we take a tour of the most popular machine learning algorithms. It is useful to tour the main algorithms in the field to get a feeling of what methods are available. Source: A Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms