A Guide to Demo Day Presentations · The Macro

In 2005 Y Combinator held its first Demo Day. Eight companies showed off their products and sold their vision to an audience of about 15 investors. Today, accelerators and incubators around the world hold their own demo days, and in 2016 over 200 YC companies will describe their startups to an audience of hundreds. Creating […]

Surround 360 is now open source | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook

This rendering pipeline produces high-resolution stereo 3D-360 panoramas that occupy the full 360-degree x 180-degree sphere for a highly immersive experience. We have taken great care to preserve image quality at every step of the pipeline, to optimize for speed, and to produce the most accurate approximation to reality that is practical with off-the-shelf hardware. […]

iOS中的 NSURLProtocol – 简书

最近做SDK开发的时候,为了给QA编写一个测试工具,方便调试和记录请求内容。但是又不想改动已经写好的SDK代码。本来想到用methodSwizzle,但是发现SDK要开放一些私有的类出来,太麻烦,也不方便最后的打包。于是网上搜了下,如何黑魔法下系统的回调函数,无意中发现了NSURLProtocol这个牛逼玩意。。。所有问题都被它给解决了。。。。 Source: iOS中的 NSURLProtocol – 简书

PSequel, a PostgreSQL GUI Tool for Mac OS X

PSequel provides a clean and simple interface for you to perform common PostgreSQL tasks quickly.Download V1.5.0 for OS X 10.10+ Source: PSequel, a PostgreSQL GUI Tool for Mac OS X

FallibleInc/security-guide-for-developers: Security Guide for Developers

Our detailed explanations should help the first type while we hope our checklist helps the second one create more secure systems. This is by no means a comprehensive guide, it just covers stuff based on the most common issues we have discovered in the past. Source: FallibleInc/security-guide-for-developers: Security Guide for Developers

Serverless computing on DC/OS with Galactic Fog – Mesosphere

Mainframe, server, virtual machine, cloud instance, container … what comes next? For many, the answer is something like the Lambda “serverless computing” service available from Amazon Web Services. We think serverless computing will definitely play a big role in the future of computing, which is why we’re so pleased to announce that DC/OS now has […]


2016年,中国的房地产市场上演一场大戏,不仅是一线城市和部分二线城市的房价暴涨,也有万科股权争夺的好戏连台,更是地方政府完成财政任务拼命卖地的最后疯狂。当然,也是在房地产高涨的情况下,中国的GDP超额完成的任务,不管下半年是否一地鸡毛。 Source: 高价楼市火爆半年,保了GDP却续不了命–百度百家